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Reports on Routes
  • reports_on_routes
  • reports

Reports of this type show only information about routes. The available columns are listed below.

DeviationThe difference between the estimated arrival time and the actual arrival time.
Actual arrival timeThe time of arrival at the delivery point.
Actual departure timeThe time of the driver’s departure from the route point.
Actual mileageThe actual mileage to the delivery point.
CostThe total cost of goods in the order.
DriverThe name of the driver.
Delivery interval beginningThe beginning of the interval within which the driver should fulfil the delivery.
Delivery interval endThe end of the interval within which the driver should fulfil the delivery.
Estimated arrival timeThe estimated time of arrival at the delivery point (system calculation).
Estimated departure timeThe time when the driver should leave the delivery point (system calculation).
Estimated service timeThe time that the driver should spend at the delivery point, including time for unloading goods, charging the client, and so on (system calculation). 
Actual service timeThe actual time that the driver spent at the delivery point. 
Confirmation/Rejection timeThe time the order was confirmed or rejected by the operator or the courier.
Estimated mileageThe estimated mileage to the delivery point (system calculation).
Estimated time to pointThe time from the previous delivery point to the point the unit is heading for (system calculation).
Actual time to pointThe actual time spent by the driver going from the previous to the next point.
Route cost

The route cost calculated based on the values specified in the window for editing unit properties.

Consumed fuelThe amount of fuel consumed during the delivery.
WeightThe weight of goods in the order.
VolumeThe volume of goods in the order.
Avg temperatureThe average temperature value during the delivery period.
Min temperatureThe minimum temperature value during the delivery period.
Max temperatureThe maximum temperature value during the delivery period.
Initial temperatureThe temperature value at the beginning of the delivery.
Final temperatureThe temperature value at the end of the delivery.

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