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Rides (for a Unit)
  • tables
  • rides

If any routes were assigned to a unit and events about routes were stored in the unit history, a report based on these events can be generated. The report can contain the columns described below.

RouteThe name of the route given during its creation.
ScheduleThe name of the schedule on the basis of which the route was created.
RideThe name of the ride.
BeginningThe start time of the ride (activation time or entrance in the first check point).
Initial locationThe unit location at the beginning of the route.
EndThe end time of the ride (entrance to the last point). If the departure time is indicated in the schedule, the column displays the time of exit from the last point.
Final locationThe location of the last check point of the route visited by the unit.
ResultFinished (the route was activated successfully, and later on, the entrance to the last point was detected), Not finished (the last point was not visited) or Aborted (the ride has been removed from the table manually or its expiration time has been reached).
Skipped pointsThe number of skipped check points (a detailed report can be generated — Check points).
DurationThe time taken to perform the route.
Total timeThe time from the beginning of the first route to the end of the last route.
MileageThe distance travelled while performing the route.
Avg speedThe average speed on the route.
Max speedThe maximum speed on the route.
CountThe number of routes.
DriverThe name of the driver (if available).
TrailerThe name of the trailer (if bound).
NotesAn empty column for your custom comments.

More information on how different route statuses are defined (route beginning, route end, point skipped, point visit, etc.) can be found here.

In a report template, you can indicate name masks for schedules and routes. In this case, only those rides that correspond to the specified route or schedule name mask will be included in the report. You can use both filters separately or simultaneously.

In addition, you can apply interval filtration by duration, mileage, engine hours, speed range, trips, stops, parkings, sensors, driver, trailer, fuel thefts and fillings.

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