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Creating a Unit for WiaTag

To work with the WiaTag application, you need a unit in Wialon or Wialon Local. There are two ways to create a unit: in the monitoring system or in the application in case of authorization through the user name.

Creating a unit in the monitoring system

The process of creating a unit, as well as the fields that should be filled in, are described in the documentation for Wialon and Wialon Local. Below we will look at the fields that are directly related to the operation of the application. In the Device type field, select WiaTag. Then specify the unit’s unique ID. Any numeric and alphabetic combinations can be used as the unique ID (for instance, IMEI of a mobile device). This identificator is required to connect the unit to WiaTag. If you want to use a password when connecting, indicate it in the Password field.

The list of units created in the monitoring system for working with WiaTag is available in the application after authorizing on the basis on the user name

Creating a unit in the application

To create units in WiaTag, the Can create items option should be activated in the user properties in the monitoring system, and the Create units service should be enabled for the account in which it was created.
To create a unit with the help of WiaTag, you should sign in using the user name, and then tap the Create unit button at the bottom of the screen when selecting a unit.

To create a unit, specify its name and unique ID. In addition, you can also enter the password for accessing the unit and its phone number. Tap Create unit to finish. The new unit is displayed in the list of units in the application, as well as in the same-name panel in the monitoring system.

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