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Actions Menu

To open the Actions menu, tap the + button located in the lower block of the main screen. You can select the available actions for this menu in the user mode settings.

Widgets are available for the Scan QR code, Send photo, Send position and Send SOS actions which allow to run them without launching the application itself.

Scan QR code

This action scans QR or bar codes and then sends them to the monitoring system. After scanning the code, a message with the qr parameter is sent to the server, which is saved in the database of the monitoring system. The location of the unit during the scanning of the code and the time of the message generation are indicated in the message.

Auto sending

This option allows you to specify whether a preview of the scanned QR or bar code should be used or the code should be sent to the monitoring system automatically. 

Send photo

This action sends images to the monitoring system. Additionally, the location and the time of the generation of the message are sent to the server. Before sending images, it is recommended to set the photo quality settings. Camera or image gallery of the device can be selected as the source of the photo. If image gallery is used, select the required file in the file manager that opens.

Send position

This action sends the current location to the monitoring system. The time of the message generation is sent as well.

Send SOS

An alarm message (SOS) is sent in case of a critical situation. Such a message contains the alarm=1 parameter, and its line in the messages panel of the monitoring system is highlighted in red (if the Data messages type is selected). In addition to the parameter, the message also contains information about the location of the unit at the time of sending the message and the time of its generation. In case it is not possible to determine the location at the time the message was sent, the last known position is used.


If a device is equipped with the NFC module, it can be used to read NFC tags. This function is activated in the User settings section in the user mode settings. The tag is read automatically when it is near the device and sent to the monitoring system immediately or after confirmation, depending on the setting of the Auto sending option.

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