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Custom Statuses

In WiaTag, you can send custom statuses as a parameter in a message. You can create any number of custom statuses with different values in them. Thus, for instance, Status 1 can have the Free, Busy, Away values; Status 2 can have such values as Personal, Business, Other, etc.

Creating a status

To create a status, open the administrative settings, select Custom statuses and tap New status. Configure the settings described below.

NameThe name of the state.
Parameter nameThe name of the parameter which should arrive in the messages when the status is sent.
Message numeric formatThe parameter that enables or disables the sending of a numeric index of the state along with a text parameter. The numeric index looks as follows: status_index=3 (the status count starts from 0).
ValuesThe values of a custom status. Any number of statuses can be added. If there are more than six statuses, use vertical scrolling to view them all on the main screen.

Editing and deleting a status

To edit a status, open its settings. To do this, select the required status in the list of Custom statuses of the administrative settings. To quickly jump to the settings of the custom status which is selected for display on the main screen, tap the edit button in the upper-right corner of its block. Edit the required parameters.

To delete a status, tap the Delete status button in its properties and then confirm the action in the appeared dialog.

You can limit the editing and deletion of statuses with the help of the administrator’s password.

Sending a status

Custom statuses are sent from the central block of the main screen of the application. The status that should be displayed on the main screen is selected in the user mode settings (User mode settings > Main screen > Status on the main screen). Tap the required value of the custom message to send it. In the monitoring system, such messages contain the name and value of the parameter, as well as the numeric index of the parameter in case the Message numeric format option is activated for the status.

A custom status is sent together with the last known coordinates.

The received statuses can be used in the monitoring system for the notifications of the Parameter in a message type. With the help of the custom statuses, it is also possible to assign or unassign drivers, trailers or passengers. To do this, specify the parameter of the sensor that signals about the assignment or unassignment and specify the codes from the properties of the required driver, trailer or passenger as the values of the parameter.

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