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Appendix 1

The Share configuration option in the administrative settings of the application allows to change some of the parameters remotely. To do this, a text file in the JSON format containing the required configuration should be attached to the command. 

The configuration file consists of the "key":value pairs, where key is the setting of the application, and value is the configuration of the setting. Below is the list of keys and their configurations.

data_collection_modedata collection0 — continuous, 1 — by timeout, 2 — smart mode
data_collection_timeoutdata collection timeoutcustom, min
data_sending_modedata sending0 — continuous, 1 — by timeout, 2 — manual
data_sending_timeoutdata sending timeoutcustom value, min
enable_filtrationenable filtrationtrue — enable, false — disable
filtration_min_timemin time intervalcustom value, sec
filtration_min_distancemin distancecustom value, m (ft)
filtration_change_in_coursechange in coursecustom value, 0-360°
filtration_change_in_speedchange in speedcustom value km/h (mph)
filtration_max_accuracymax accuracycustom value, m (ft)
filtration_max_speedmax speedcustom value, km/h (mph)
send_parameter_provider_nameadditional parameters,
provider name
true — enable, false — disable
send_parameter_accuracyadditional parameters, accuracytrue — enable, false — disable
send_parameter_battery_leveladditional parameters, battery leveltrue — enable, false — disable
send_parameter_last_statusadditional parameters, last statustrue — enable, false — disable
enable_action_send_photoactions menu adjustment, sending phototrue — enable, false — disable
enable_action_send_positionactions menu adjustment, sending positiontrue — enable, false — disable
enable_action_send_sosactions menu adjustment, sending SOStrue — enable, false — disable
visible_statisticsvisible statistics0x1 — time, 0x2 — speed, 0x4 — altitude, 0x8 — course, 0x10 — location, 0x20 — accuracy
user_modeuser modeTo prevent errors when loading the configuration, it is not recommended to change the user mode at the same time as changing the user settings. If both modifications are required, you must first upload the configuration with the user mode changes, and then the one with the user settings.
0 — active, 1 — standard, 2 — lite, 3 — custom
use_admin_passworduse admin passwordtrue — enable, false — disable
admin_passwordset admin passwordany numeric and alphabetic value
photo_qualityphoto quality0 — original, 1 — high, 2 — medium, 3 — low
enable_power_save_modepower save modetrue — enable, false — disable
statusescustom statusesThis key has nesting because the template of the arbitrary state includes several settings. Available settings are described below.
namethe name of the templatecustom value
param_namethe name of the parametercustom value
valuesvaluesCustom values. The maximum number of values is 6. Each value is indicated in double quotation marks (for example, "Value1"). Comma (,) is used to separate values.
activeuse the template from the main screentrue — enable, false — disable
visible_settingsvisible settingsThis key has nestings because it is necessary to specify a section of visible settings as well as a value. All the possible values for each section are listed below.
connection_settingsconnection settings0x1 — server, 0x2 — unit properties
operation_modeoperation mode0x1 — data collection, 0x2 — data sending
data_settingsdata settings0x1 — messages filtration, 0x2 — extended parameters
main_screen_customizermain screen0x1 — latest data, 0x2 — actions
administrative_settingsadministrative settings0x1 — user mode, 0x2 — admin password, 0x4 — custom statuses, 0x8 — remote control, 0x40 — photo quality, 0x100 — power save mode, 0x200 — clear black box, 0x400 — reset
other_itemsother0x1 — contact us, 0x2 — help, 0x4 — measurement system

Keys can have numerical (0, 1, 2, etc.), alphabetical (true/false) values or such values as 0x1, 0x2, 0x20, etc. The latter is specified as a key only after conversion to the decimal number system. For example, if you want to display such parameters as Contact Us and Help in the user menu. To do this, you need to sum up their values ​​(0x1 + 0x2 = 0x3), convert the sum into a decimal number system, and specify the result as the value of this key. Numeric and text values are used to select one parameter or state.

Example of a configuration file for visible settings:


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