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Wialon Local
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  • settings

This block contains settings associated with receiving and saving data from the hardware.

The table below shows the parameters and options available in the block.

Video server URLThe address of the service for processing and storing video files from devices.
Hardware IPThe IP-address of the server to which the data from the units should be sent. It is displayed in the properties of all units in the Server address field.
Hardware DNSThe domain name of the server to which the data from the units should be sent. It is displayed in the properties of all units in the Server address field.
Store registration timeThe option that allows storing the time of the message registration in addition to the time of the message itself. To see this data in the monitoring system, add the Registration time column to the table after you request messages.
Notifications from Wialon to Telegram

The option that allows enabling the sending of notifications from Wialon to Telegram. If you activate it, the Send notification to Telegram option becomes available as a notification action when you create and edit notifications in the monitoring system.

In order for such notifications to work, the server with Wialon Local installed should have access to api.telegram.org.

Database compressionIf this option is activated, all the messages older than 10 days are compressed and transferred to a separate directory. However, you can still access the messages when executing reports or requesting messages. This allows you to save space and store the most recent messages and the historical ones on storage devices which are different in speed and size (SSD and HDD).

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