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Global Settings

Connection settings


HostIn this field, you can change the server host that is registered at the authorization step.
PortIn this field, you can change the server port that is indicated at the authorization step.

Unit properties

Unique IDAny numeric and alphabetic combinations (for instance, IMEI of a mobile device) can be indicated as a unique ID. This identificator is required to connect a unit from the monitoring system to WiaTag.
PasswordIf you change the password of the unit in the application, you must change it in the monitoring system as well. Otherwise, it will be impossible to connect to the unit.
Unit bindingThis option allows connecting the application to another unit. To do this, specify the user whose account the required unit belongs to and select the unit itself or create a new one. If the user is not yet authorized on the device, complete the authorization. After you bind a new unit, you must restart the application.



If this option is activated, the button that allows opening the chat in the upper block of the main screen appears.

Administrator settings

Admin password

Admin password allows restricting access to application management and user modes. Activate the option and set the password. The admin password is used in the global settings and service management. You can also specify the type of access to the user modes by selecting one of the options: View only, Select mode, Select and edit, Full access.

Custom statuses

In this section, you can create and configure custom statuses.

Debug mode

When the debug mode is enabled, the log-files of the application are saved in the Logs folder of the device. It is recommended to activate this mode when you use the application for the first time. If it works without errors and all the necessary functions are checked, the debug mode can be disabled. If there were any errors in operation or emergency stopping of the application occurred, it is desirable to send log files to developers for analysis. If there are saved logs, they can be sent to developers by email using the Send logs option. The address, subject and text fields of the letter are filled in automatically. To use this feature, a mail client must be installed on the device.
The Clear logs option allows deleting saved log files from the Logs folder.

Remote control

This setting allows to enable or disable remote management of the application.
With the help of the remote control, the request for the command execution is sent from the monitoring system. The following commands are available:

  • Send custom message;
  • Query snapshot;
  • Query snapshot from camera;
  • Query position;
  • Request configuration;
  • Start/Stop (the service);
  • Flashlight;
  • Send message to driver;
  • Send position;
  • Upload configuration.
The Share configuration option allows to remotely change some settings of the application. For details on sending a configuration, see Appendix 1

Clear black box

With the help of this option, you can delete all messages from the black box. Data in the black box is stored for no more than 30 days.


This option is used both to reset the settings to the default values and to exit the application.

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