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Wialon for Android/iOS
Wialon Local
Wialon Hosting
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To enter the application, you should log in using one of the available methods. Select the authorization method on the screen: account name, unit ID or QR code.

If the authorization is successful, the device sends the first_start=1 parameter to the server.

Signing in with the account name

With this type of authorization, you should first specify the monitoring system in use — Wialon or Wialon Local, and then select the required user from the list below.

If the list is empty or the required user is absent from it, tap the Log in as another user button at the bottom of the screen, enter its name and password on the authorization page and tap Authorize. For Wialon Local, indicate the server address first.

Next select the required unit from the list of the available ones (created previously in the monitoring system) or create a new one.

Signing in with the unit ID

With this type of authorization, you should specify the server address (host:port), unit’s unique ID and password (if there is one).

Signing in with the QR code

To authorize with the help of the QR code, the latter should be generated at wiatag.com, and the device in use should be equipped with a camera. After scanning the correct QR code, you will enter the application. You can either scan the QR code or select it from the device's gallery.  If this authorization type is chosen, there is no need to select a user mode as it is set during the creation of the code.

Selecting a user mode

After logging in, you should select one of the user modes: Active, Standard, Lite and Custom. Each mode has its own settings for the filtration of messages, data collection and data sending. Data collection refers to the periodicity and method of data gathering by the device. Sending data is the frequency and method of sending collected data to the monitoring system.


This mode allows to receive the most detailed track of the movements of the unit and guarantees the highest accuracy of the positional data. The drawback of this mode is the relatively high battery and traffic consumption comparing to the other modes.

Data collection: continuous (messages are generated each time the location is determined).

Data sending: continuous (messages are sent immediately after their generation).

Maximum accuracy value: 30 meters.


This mode allows receiving a detailed track of the movements of the unit due to the intelligent data collection mode. Unlike the Active mode, the data is not sent continuously, but once in five minutes. 

Data collection: by timeout (5 minutes).

Data sending: by timeout (5 minutes).

Max accuracy: 50 meters.


This mode allows monitoring the location of the unit with minimum consumption of traffic and battery power. The drawback is that the track of the unit’s movements can have some errors.

Data collection: by timeout (5 minutes).

Data sending: by timeout (15 minutes).

Max accuracy: 1000 meters.


The custom mode settings have standard values and can be changed independently in accordance with the monitoring objectives.

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