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User Modes

The choice of the user mode depends on the monitoring objectives. The modes differ in settings, which affect the accuracy of the received data, as well as the consumption of traffic and battery power usage.

You can add your own user mode with an arbitrary configuration of settings. To do this, tap Add usermode, indicate the name and make the necessary adjustments. Any mode can be changed or deleted. Swipe left the line with the mode and select the required action.

Operation mode

The operation mode of the service is determined by three parameters. Depending on the monitoring objectives, select the settings of data collection and data sending.

Data collection

Three data collection modes are available.

Data collection modeDescription
ContinuousThe position data is collected continuously and have high accuracy. This method is characterized by a high consumption of traffic and battery power.
By timeoutThe position data is collected regularly after the time interval specified in the Timeout field (by default — 5 minutes). The less the timeout is, the more accurate the data is. The consumption of traffic and battery when using this method of data collection depends on the selected timeout.
Smart modeThe data about the location is collected only when the unit is moving. As soon as the movement of the unit is detected, the positioning service turns on. 

Motion detection is based on the readings of the accelerometer, gyroscope and compass.Timeout

This setting can be used with the By timeout data collection method. It indicates the time after which the device must collect data.

Data sending

Data can be sent continuously, by timeout or manually.

Data sending modeDescription
ContinuousAccording to this method, the location data is sent to the server constantly (as it arrives and if there is an Internet connection). The continuous method is characterized by high battery usage.
By timeoutAccording to this method, the location data is sent to the server regularly,  after a specified time interval, after which the mobile device returns to sleep mode.
Manual unloadAccording to this method, all the collected location data of the unit is sent to the black box, from which the user can subsequently send it to the server manually.


This setting is only relevant for the By timeout data sending method. It indicates the time after which the device must send data.

Work in roaming

This option allows you to enable or disable the sending of data in roaming. 

Data settings

Filtration of messages

Max accuracy

The maximum value of the error with which the messages can be sent. If it is exceeded, no message is sent to the server. This parameter is taken into account regardless of whether message filtering is enabled or disabled.

Filtration of messages

If this option is enabled, the filtering conditions specified below are applied to send messages to the server. Filtering applies only to messages received via GPS. In case location is detected by the cell towers or Wi-Fi, the messages have zero values of speed, course, the number of satellites and the accuracy can exceed 2000 meters. That is why they are not filtered.

Below are the settings according to which filtration should be carried out. The Logical OR operation is applied to the settings, that is, a new message is generated when any of the specified conditions are met.

Min timeThe minimum time interval between messages sent to the server (in seconds). According to this setting, a new message is generated after the specified time after the previous message.
Min distanceAccording to this setting, a new message is generated if the unit has passed a distance equal to or exceeding the specified value since the previous message.
Change in courseA new message is generated if the angle of the course change (i.e., the direction of travel) in degrees changes by an amount equal to or greater than the specified value.
Change in speedA new message is generated if the speed difference (the speed difference between the previous and current messages) is changed by an amount equal to or exceeding the specified value.

If the filtering settings are too strict, messages will not be generated.

Additional parameters

In this section, you can specify additional parameters that must be received from the unit in messages.

Provider nameWhen this option is activated, the sent messages contain the p parameter, the value of which indicates the source of the positional data.
AccuracyWhen this option is activated, the sent messages contain the a parameter, which shows the accuracy of the positional data (in meters).
Battery levelWhen this option is activated, the sent messages contain the b parameter indicating the battery level of the device (in percent).
Last statusWhen this option is activated, the sent messages contain the last specified state of the unit.
Service messages

When this setting is selected, the message contains the following parameters:

  • service status (s_on=0 — disabled, s_on=1 — enabled);
  • location status (ls=0 — disabled, ls=1 — enabled);
  • unforseen service shutdown (cr=1);
  • service shutdown by the user (trmnt=1).

Main screen

Status on the main screen

Selection of the custom status which should be displayed on the main screen.

Latest data

Selection of the information that should be displayed in the latest data block on the main screen. Up to 4 points can be selected.


Selection of actions available to the user from the main screen of the application.

User settings

Photo quality

In this section, you can set the image quality that should be used when sending photos (traffic consumption depends on the selected quality). The following options are possible:

OriginalOriginal image without loss of quality.
HighOriginal image is compressed to 3 megapixels (no more than 600 KB).
MediumOriginal image is compressed to 2 megapixels (no more than 300 KB).
LowOriginal image is compressed to 1 megapixel (no more than 100 KB).

Sent photos show the time when they were taken.

Power save mode

Power save mode allows reducing battery consumption. This is done by changing the settings of data sending (manual unload is indicated). 

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