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Latest Data

The latest data that is displayed on the main screen is taken from the messages. The data is updated automatically after a new message is generated.

There can be up to 4 items in this block, which are selected in the user mode settings.

TimeThe time when the latest message was generated.
SpeedThe speed of the unit’s movement.
AltitudeThe elevation above sea level.
CourseThe direction of motion (in degrees). Possible values range from 0 to 360 (0° is the direction strictly towards the north; the values increase clockwise).
PositionThe geographic longitude and latitude of the unit position.
AccuracyThe precision of positional data. In other words, it is a radius drawn around the point within which a unit can be located.

To quickly go to the settings of the latest data block, press the edit button in the upper right corner. The button may be missing if the editing is restricted by the administrator’s password.

The measurement system which is used to display the latest data is displayed is indicated in the settings of the application.

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