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  • tables
  • orders

The Orders table displays detailed information about the orders that have been used while creating the route in the Logistics application.

The Orders table is available only if the Orders service is activated.

The Orders table can contain the columns described below.

NameThe name of the order.
Time fromThe time from which the order should be delivered (the beginning of the delivery interval).
Time toThe time until which the order should be delivered (the end of the delivery interval).
Estimated arrival timeThe estimated time of arrival at the delivery point (system calculation).
Actual arrival timeThe actual time of arrival at the delivery point.
DeviationThe difference between the actual arrival time and the estimated arrival time.
Estimated departure timeThe time when the driver should leave the delivery point (system calculation).
Actual departure timeThe time of the driver’s departure from the route point.
Confirmation/Rejection timeThe time when the order was confirmed or rejected by an operator or a courier.
Estimated service timeThe time that the driver should spend at the delivery point, including time for unloading goods, charging the client, and so on (system calculation). 
Actual service timeThe actual time that the driver spent at the delivery point. 
Estimated mileageThe approximate distance to the destination point (system calculation).
Actual mileageThe actual distance to the destination point.
Estimated time to pointThe time from the previous delivery point to the point the unit is heading for (system calculation).
Actual time to pointThe actual time spent by the driver going from the previous to the next point.
Route costThe route cost calculated based on the values specified in the window for editing unit properties.
Fuel consumedThe amount of fuel consumed during the delivery period.
Energy consumed

The amount of battery energy in kWh consumed during the delivery period. It is calculated using the readings of the battery level sensor.

Avg. temperatureThe average temperature during the delivery period.
Min. temperatureThe minimum temperature value during the delivery period.
Max. temperatureThe maximum temperature value during the delivery period.
Initial temperatureThe temperature value at the beginning of delivery.
Final temperatureThe temperature value at the end of delivery.
StatusThe status of the order delivery (confirmed, rejected, or the status is not specified).
Comment (confirmation)The comment entered when setting the status.
Comment (order)The comment added to the order.
TagsThe keywords added to the order.
AddressThe address of the delivery point.
WeightThe total weight of goods in the order.
VolumeThe volume of goods in the order.
CostThe total cost of goods in the order.
Client nameThe name of the client.
DriverThe name of the driver.
FilesThe number of files attached to the order.
Custom fields

The custom fields created on the same-name tab of the settings. 

Order filtration

You can select additional filtration parameters for the Orders table. In this case, the table is generated only on the basis of the orders of the selected type. The available types of orders are described below.

All ordersAll orders for the indicated time period.
VisitedThe arrival of a courier to the address is registered, or the status is set.
Non-visitedThe arrival of a courier to the address is not registered.
Visited in timeThe arrival of a courier to the address has been registered in time as planned.
Visited lateThe orders have been visited and registered with a delay, or the status has been set with a delay.
ConfirmedThe arrival of a courier to the address is registered, the Confirmed status is set.
RejectedThe orders for which the Rejected status is set.

Questions and answers

  Reports show incorrect mileage. What should I do?

Possible explanations and actions:

1. Outliers of data.

To detect such outliers, build a track of unit movement for the appropriate period. Outliers of data will be seen on the track as dashed lines.

Ways to overcome outliers:

  • Enable filtration of unit positional information in messages (on the Advanced tab of unit properties). This will not affect old messages but applied to new ones.
  • To correct data in reports, change settings of trip detection, in particular, reduce Maximum interval between messages and increase Minimum satellites.

2. Incorrect settings or operation of the mileage counter.

  • Check the mileage counter settings on the General tab of unit properties.

  Do reports display the data on the manual assignment of the driver after the data storage period expires?

Yes, but only if the driver has not had other assignments since they were last assigned to the unit.

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