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Intervals Filtration
  • tables
  • interval_filtration

Most table reports in the Wialon system involve retrieving time intervals which meet certain criteria from the unit's history. These are reports on trips, parkings, stops, engine hours, rounds, geofences and visited streets, reports on the operation of sensors and speeding, and others. For such reports, additional filtering options are provided, which specify the conditions for displaying information in the table.

Available parameters of filtration vary depending on the type of report and allow you to limit the range of intervals that fall within it. For instance, the report does not include trips, stops or speeding intervals, if their duration is less than the minimum duration specified in the intervals filtration. It is also possible to display only visited geofences in which parking has been detected or during which the sensor was turned on. All possible filters are described below.

You can use the filters separately and in combination with one another. The filters are applied to the data in the order in which they are located in the Intervals filtration section of the table settings. You can change the order of filters by clicking on the icon .

All filters except the mileage filter work only with integer values.

Additional parameters

The filter is available for the Eco driving table. When the Show all trips option is activated, all trips, not just trips with violations, are included in the report for units with customized eco-driving parameters.

Counter sensor value range

This filter can only be used for the Counter Sensors and Fuel Traffic tables. It allows displaying in the report the intervals at which the messages with values that are within the specified limits are received.

Custom fields masks

The filter is available for the Custom fields table. Here you can indicate the masks that must be applied to the names of the custom fields and their values.

Custom sensors masks

In the filter you can indicate the masks of custom sensors, that should be taken into account when generating a report. The filter is available in the Digital sensors, Geofences, Fuel fillings, Fuel thefts, and Eco driving tables.


The filter allows displaying the intervals at which the unit had a particular driver or group of drivers or did not have any driver at all. To display only those intervals at which a particular driver was in control of the unit, select the With driver option. In the field below, enter:

  • the name of the driver — to display only those intervals at which the driver worked alone;
  • the name of the driver in the format name* — to display also those intervals at which other drivers worked as well (besides the required driver).

All intervals with the driver are displayed in the report, regardless of whether the driver was present throughout the whole interval or just at the beginning, end, or in the middle of it.

If you select the Driver group option, the report shows only those intervals at which the vehicle was driven by any driver of a group (the mask can also be specified). To display only the segments with the indicated driver or group, activate the Retrieve intervals option.

If you select the Without driver option, the report shows only those intervals that contain segments without drivers. You can also retrieve these segments.


In the filter, you can specify the minimum and/or maximum duration of the interval.

Engine hours

The minimum and/or maximum duration of engine hours. In addition, the engine hours sensor mask can be specified in the Engine hours sensor filter.

Engine hours sensor

In this filter, you can specify a mask for the name of the engine hours sensor. It affects the calculation of engine hours in the tables which have the corresponding columns, as well as the engine hours filter if it is turned on.

Event filter

This filter is only available for the Events table. If it contains an event mask, only the events that satisfy it are included in the report. When the option Custom events only is activated in the filter, only custom events registered manually from the online notification window are shown in the report.

Fuel fillings

The filter allows displaying intervals with or without fuel fillings in the report. In the first case, you can additionally specify the minimum and maximum volume of fillings, and also activate the Sum up fillings option. Summing up assumes that only those intervals fall into the report, the amount of fillings on which falls within the specified limits.

Fuel thefts

The filter allows you to display in the report intervals with fuel thefts or without them. In the first case, you can additionally specify the minimum and maximum amount of theft, and also activate the Sum up thefts option. Summing up assumes that only those intervals where the amount of thefts falls within the specified limits get into the report.


This filter is divided into two parts. In the first one, you can specify the geofences by which the intervals should be filtered. In order to consider the position of the unit in any geofence or outside of it, set the radio button to the left of its name in the list from the None position to the 'Inside' or 'Outside', respectively. In addition to individual geofences, you can also specify their groups. It is the same as specifying each geofence which belongs to the group.

The number of geofences in a group is dynamic, that is, it changes when you change the list of geofences which belong to it. These changes are taken into account when building the report.

In the second part of the filter, units are selected in the same way. Thus, it is possible to get the intervals of the unit's location inside or outside the zone of another unit. The size of the zone is defined by the Radius parameter. Only those units to which you have the Query messages or reports access right are displayed.

To quickly search for geofences and units in the list, the dynamic filter is available. To select all units in a column, hold the Ctrl key.

When determining the time of intersection of a unit with geofences or zones of other units, the Maximum interval between messages option is taken into account from the Advanced tab of the unit's properties.

The Retrieve Intervals option is available in the filter. It allows you to remove the segments inside/outside of the specified geofences or units from the intervals.

In the filters by geofences/units in the Sensors section for the Fuel Traffic table, the Include only units with tank fuelling box option is available. It allows you to display in the report results only those units that were near the unit on the specified interval and had registered fillings.

Merge intervals condition

In this filter, which is available for the Counter Sensors and Fuel Traffic tables, you must specify a timeout. If you generate a timeout between some intervals less than or equal to the indicated one, the intervals are merged. In this case, firstly the merger is carried out, and then the filtration on the basis of remaining parameters is executed.


In the filter, you can specify the minimum and/or maximum mileage within the interval. It can use both integer and fractional values. Use a period as the separator for fractional values.


The filter allows you to display only those intervals within which there were parkings, or only those within which there were none. Select the With parkings or Without parkings option from the drop-down list. In the filter, you can also specify the minimum length of parking. As a result of using this option, the report on geofences, for example, displays only such visited geofences in which a parking period of at least the specified duration was detected. The Sum up intervals option allows you to summarize the time of parking, that is, show in the report, for example, only those geofences, the total number of parkings in which was not less than the specified time.


The filter allows to display intervals in the report table with the sensor turned on or off, and, additionally, specify the minimum and/or maximum duration of such intervals. In order for each interval to be shown in a separate row of the table, check the Retrieve intervals option. Intervals can also be summed if the maximum and/or minimum duration of the sensor on/off state is specified. To specify a certain sensor, whose turning on/off should be taken into account, specify its mask in the Sensors mask filter. If several masks are specified, only those intervals at which all these sensors were simultaneously turned on/off are selected. If the sensor masks are not specified, the report takes into account all sensors of the unit.

The intervals filtration of the With sensor on type works only for the digital sensors.

Sensors masks

Here you can indicate the masks of the sensors that should be taken into account when generating a report. The specified masks affect the Sensors filter, the values of the Counter, Initial counter, and Final counter columns as well as the values of the columns related to engine revolutions, temperature, and fuel (if selected in the report template). They also affect the values of custom sensors if the Custom sensors masks filter is not available in the table settings.

If you want to indicate the mask of the engine hours sensor, specify it in the Engine hours sensor filter.


In the filter, you can set the minimum and/or maximum speed within the interval. As a result, the report shows the intervals at which the speed that falls within the given limits is met at least once. If you want only those segments within which the speed does not leave the specified limits to get in the report, activate the Retrieve intervals option in the filter.


This filter allows you to display only those intervals at which there were stops or only those at which there were no stops. To do this, select either the With stops or Without stops option from the drop-down list. If the filter is not used, the report displays all the intervals, regardless of whether there were any stops or not.


Intervals filtration by the presence or absence of trailers assigned to the unit. Works similarly to the filtration by the driver.


The filter allows you to display only those intervals that intersect with trips (it is not required for the entire trip to be a part of the interval) or only those that do not intersect with the trips. It is convenient to use the Trips filter, for example, in the report on geofences: in order to cut off excess visits to the same geofence during the unit's parking (when the coordinates are unsteady), select the With trips filter.


The filter is available in the Eco driving table and allows to enter the name masks of the violations that are to be taken into account while generating a report.

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