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Wialon for Android/iOS
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Main screen

The interface of the main screen can be divided into 3 blocks: upper, central and lower.

Upper block

There are up to four buttons in the upper block:

 : this button unloads messages from the black box. The red dot indicates that there are messages in the black box. The data is stored in the black box for no more than 30 days.
 : this button switches to the power save mode.
 : this button switches to the settings.
 : this button switches to the chat.


The chat allows you to send various types of messages to the monitoring system. In order for the chat button to be displayed on the main screen, first, activate the same-name option in the global settings of the application.

To send a text message, enter it in the line at the bottom of the chat and tap the button .

Besides text messages, you can also send images (from the camera or the gallery of the device), QR codes, alarm messages and the current location. To select the required option, tap the + button in the text input field.

Messages can be sent to the chat from the monitoring system using the Send message to driver command or with the help of the Chatterbox application.

Central block

The central block displays the latest data. It is also possible to send statuses from this block if the option is activated in the user mode settings. To switch from viewing the latest data to sending statuses, swipe left. To display the current data and send the statuses from the main screen, it is required to have the GPS and Internet connections and also activate the data collection and sending services (the switch in the lower block).

If the settings of the latest data and custom statuses are not specified for the user mode, this block may be missing.

Lower block

In the upper-left part of this block, there is a switch with the help of which the service of collection and sending of data is activated (the service is in the stopped state when the application is started for the first time). The state of the GPS and Internet connections, as well as the status of the server, are shown below. The service of collection and sending data can be switched on/off without launching the application with the help of the widget or via the Quick Actions menu (available on the devices that feature 3D Touch technology).

Use the administrator’s password to limit the possibility of stopping the service.

Additional information

Tap the + button in the lower block to open the actions menu. The Internet connection is required to perform an action from this menu.

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