1. You need a tachograph and a tracker which supports unloading DDD files.
2. Create a driver in the monitoring interface. The value of the Code field must correspond to their personal card's number.
3. Create a sensor of the Driver assignment type and add the unit to the driver's automatic assignment list.
4. Create a command for unloading a DDD file on the Commands tab of the unit properties. The command syntax may vary depending on the device type.
5. For sending a command of querying a DDD file, the unit must have an open TCP connection (the timeout depends on the type and the configuration of the tracker).
6. After unloading a DDD file the following line appears in the messages:
- driver_card1_file=C_хх_1256.ddd, register_ddd=0 — the unloading has been successful, but the file hasn't been attached to the driver (not enough access rights to the resource or there is no driver with such a code);
- driver_card1_file=C_хх_1256.ddd, register_ddd=1 — the unloading has been successful, the file has been attached to a definite driver.
The syntax of the response depends on the type of device used. Some devices send an additional response by means of the Chat with drivers window.
The time needed for unloading a file depends on the tracker (it may take from 5 to 30 minutes approximately).
7. You can view the downloaded file and check the driver's work for a previous interval in the application Tacho View.
8. The DDD files from a driver's card are stored in a resource. The storage period of such files is not limited; they are deleted together with the resource they belong to.