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Displaying Charging Locations on Unit Tracks

This guide describes how to display a unit track with the battery charge locations marked.


A battery level sensor and correct data from it are required.

To view a track, you must have the Request reports and messages access right to the unit.

You can generate a unit track that marks the locations where the battery was charged. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Tracks tab.
  2. In the Unit field, select the unit for which you want to generate the track.
  3. Select the Charges marker (). If charges were registered manually, select the Events marker ().
  4. Select the time interval for which you want to generate the track. For additional track settings, see Track parameters.
  5. Click Show track.

Result: The unit track is displayed on the map with the battery charge locations marked. When you hover over a marker, a tooltip with information about the charge is displayed.

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