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Custom Fields
  • custom_fields
  • unit_properties

To work with the Custom fields tab, you should have the following access rights:

  • View custom fields. To view general custom fields.
  • Manage custom fields. To create, edit, and delete custom fields.
  • View admin fields. To view administrative fields.
  • Manage admin fields. To create, edit, and delete administrative fields.

On this tab, you can create custom fields with additional information about the unit (for example, year of manufacture, fuel grade, engine capacity, and so on).

To create a custom field, fill in the Name and Value fields and click on the icon . The Value field is optional. After saving the changes on the tab, all custom fields are displayed in alphabetical order.

To restrict access to custom fields, you can make them as administrative. Thus, they will be available only to the users that have the View admin fields and Manage admin fields access rights to the unit. Check the box to the left of the required field to make it administrative.

To find a specific field among the created ones, use the dynamic search above the list. It allows searching for custom fields by name and value.

To delete a custom field, click on the icon  next to it.

Using custom fields

In addition to working with custom fields on the same-name tab, you can perform the following actions:

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