What's new

01.06.2021 v.4.2.0

In the new version of Fleetrun, we have improved the Dashboard page and made it even more convenient!

We have added settings to the Cost section (the icon ), and now you can see not only information about all the expenses of the fleet but also select the required value: services or fuel.

We have also improved the total cost calculation in the Total cost of services section. Now enabling or disabling the Units, Drivers, or Trailers buttons changes not only data on the chart but also the total cost value in the Total line.

Now you can select sections you want to display on the page. To do this, click on the icon  to the right of the calendar and select the required sections.

In addition, you can move the sections to any place on the page and change their size manually.

We hope you will like this update.

In case of any questions, write to labs@gurtam.com.

Discuss in the forum.


You can see the following changes on the “Dashboard” page:

  • settings in the “Cost” section;
  • selection of the required sections;
  • ability to move sections and change their size manually.


04.05.2021 v.4.1.0

In this update, we have improved the Total cost of services, Fleet metrics, Unit metrics charts and added the new Total cost of fuel chart on the Dashboard and on the unit page. We have also moved the calendar to the top of the Dashboard page where you can easily specify the period for which you want to see data in these charts.

Total cost of services

The Total cost of services chart has become more informative: now it shows the total cost of services for the selected period as well as their average cost per kilometer and engine hour.

Also, we have changed the design of the Units, Drivers, and Trailers buttons, so that they occupy less space in the chart.

Fleet and unit metrics

In the Fleet metrics chart, you can now see the mileage or engine hours of all the fleet for the selected period. Similarly, you can see the mileage and engine hours of a specific vehicle in the Unit metrics chart on the unit page.

Total cost of fuel

The new Total cost of fuel chart allows you to estimate fuel expenses for the whole fleet (on the Dashboard page) or for a specific unit (on the unit page). The chart shows the total cost of fuel for the selected period and the average cost per litre (gallon) for the same time.

We hope you will like this update.

In case of any questions, write to kapa@gurtam.com.

Discuss in the forum.


Changes on the Dashboard and on the unit page:

  • the “Total cost of services”, “Fleet metrics” and “Unit metrics” charts have been improved;
  • the “Total cost of fuel” chart has been added;
  • the calendar has been moved to the top of the Dashboard.


11.02.2021 v.3.4.0

Can’t keep up with new Fleetrun features? Then you will like the What’s New? window. Thanks to it, you won’t miss a single update, even if you don’t have time to follow the news in our blog or forum.

The window displays up to five latest news. To navigate between them, use the arrows to the right and left of the update date.

Click on the Learn more button to read more about the new features in our new help center, or go to the forum to discuss them because your feedback helps us to improve.

You can open the window with updates at any time by selecting What’s new in the user menu.

Discuss in the forum.


We’ve created this window so that you can:

  • learn about updates directly from the application;
  • go to our new help center to learn more about them;
  • go to the update topic in the forum and leave your feedback.


13.07.2021 v.4.3.0

In the new version of Fleetrun, we have added a warning which is displayed in the Fleet metrics and Unit metrics charts if the values of mileage and engine hours were decreased in Wialon within the period for which the charts are generated.

The values ​​of mileage and engine hours used in the charts are obtained from the tracker, while the indicators in the Cost section and in the upper section of the unit information are calculated based on the values ​​specified in Wialon. Thus, if the data in Wialon is changed significantly, you can see a discrepancy between the indicators in the charts and in these sections.

The warning is displayed in the form of the icon , the tooltip of which shows when the values of mileage or engine hours were changed in Wialon.

We hope you will like this update.

In case of any questions, write to labs@gurtam.com.

Discuss in the forum.


Warning in charts

We’ve added a warning about changes in data on mileage and engine hours in the “Fleet metrics” and “Unit metrics” charts.


20.04.2021 v.4.0.0

In the new Fleetrun version, the information on the Dashboard page has become even more visual and detailed.

The Services section now contains a pie chart which shows the ratio of due and overdue services and the ones in progress. Click on the required category or chart sector to go to the Services page with filtering enabled.

We have also improved the design of the Units, Drivers, Trailers, and Intervals sections so that they occupy less space on your screen.

In the Cost section, you can now see not only the cost of services per 1 kilometre (mile) and engine hour, but also the total cost of services, fuel, the cost of fuel per 1 litre (gallon), and the sum of all the fleet expenses.

In addition, the section contains a histogram which shows the ratio of the total cost of services to that of fuel.

We hope you will like this update.

In case of any questions, write to kapa@gurtam.com.

Discuss in the forum.


You can see the following changes on the “Dashboard” page:

  • a pie chart in the “Services” section;
  • an improved design of the “Units”, “Drivers”, “Trailers”, “Intervals” sections;
  • the sum of all the fleet expenses, the total cost of services, fuel, the cost of fuel per 1 l (gal) in the “Cost” section.


25.02.2021 v.3.5.0

Notifications have become even more informative in the new Fleetrun version!

Now you can configure them to show data on the term of the service completion as well as the unit mileage and engine hours at the moment of notification sending. To do this, add new tags to the notification text.

Besides, you can navigate between email notifications more quickly, because now their subject line displays the name of the service object in question.

We hope you will like these features!

In case of any questions, write to kapa@gurtam.com.

Discuss in the forum.


Notifications are now more informative due to the following features:

  • you can add new tags to the notification text, such as the service term of completion, mileage and engine hours at the moment of notification sending;
  • you can see the name of the service object in the subject line of email notifications.


30.03.2021 v.3.6.0

In this update, we are glad to present you with new features on such tabs as Notifications, Custom fields (the Administration page), and Unit info (the page of the unit).


Now you can configure a notification so that it notifies you only about those services that are created for specific service objects or on the basis of specific intervals. To do this, select the required service objects or intervals in the notification settings.

You can select either service objects or intervals. By default, all service objects are selected.

![](/download/attachments/12976279/wn5.png) ![](/download/attachments/12976279/wn6.png)

We also made it more convenient to use tags: now each of them is inserted into the notification text on a new line.

Custom fields

Previously, you could indicate up to 20 items for a custom field of the List type. We have removed this limitation in the new Fleetrun version. Add as many list items as you want.

Unit info

On the Unit info tab, you can now see not only the total cost of services and fuel separately but also the total value of these parameters. To do this, select Total cost in the upper drop-down list.

We hope you will like these features!

In case of any questions, write to kapa@gurtam.com.

Discuss in the forum.


The update includes the following features:

  • sending notifications about the services in which specific service objects or intervals are indicated;
  • adding any number of items to a custom field of the “List” type;
  • the total cost of services and fuel on the “Unit info” tab;
  • availability of the Czech interface.