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Transferring Objects between Services
  • technical_consulting
  • hierarchy
  • service_structure

Often there is a need to change the hierarchy of the Wialon service for more efficient management. We covered the transfer of objects within the same service in another article, but sometimes there is a need to transfer them to another service.

This article proposes tools for transferring objects between services. Depending on the type of transferred objects, both automatic and manual transfer tools are available.

Users may experience access issues during the transfer due to a temporary username change. Also, during the transfer, it is not recommended to make changes to the transferred objects (try not to create new units in the account, change the groups or notification settings, etc.).

After the transfer, we recommend that you check the transferred objects.

Automatic transfer

There is an additional service for automatic transfer of accounts between Wialon Hosting services using internal Wialon tools. Automatic transfer implies a full-fledged transfer that preserves all the properties and relationships of the transferred objects. It has the following restrictions:

  • only entire accounts are transferred;
  • the total number of transferred active units is from 50 and above;
  • services must be located in the same data center;
  • the entire content of the service is not available for transfer;
  • after the transfer, the number of the units in the final service should not exceed the recommended limit.

To transfer accounts automatically, send a request to partners@wialon.com.

Manual transfer

The manual transfer involves re-creating the necessary objects in a new location and setting them up afterward. Some of the settings can be transferred using the import and export tool. Additionally, in this case, you will have to re-set user rights and relationships between micro-objects (for example, geofences in report templates and notifications), as well as user passwords.

Below, we will consider instructions for transferring individual system objects between services.


An account is a fundamental service object which consists of a resource, a user, and a billing plan. Therefore, the transfer of an account is a complex process that includes:

  • creating a new account;
  • transferring the user-creator of the account;
  • assigning the desired billing plan;
  • transferring the content of the resource;
  • transferring all the other objects belonging to the original account: users, units, groups of units, retranslators, and routes.

To transfer accounts, log in to the CMS Manager interface and follow the instructions:

  1. Export the settings of the user-creators of the accounts to WLP files (Export to fileComplete copy). When exporting the settings of several users at once, an archive with WLP files is created.
  2. Change the names of the accounts and their user-creators in the original service. For example, you can add "_old" to the end of the names.
  3. Create all the necessary accounts in the new service.
  4. Extract the files from the archive you downloaded earlier and import the settings of the respective users from the WLP files. It is important to note that user properties such as email addresses, access rights, and passwords are not transferred during export, and you need to reset them manually. If the service owner has saved the current passwords, they can set the same passwords for users after the transfer. In the other case, new passwords for users have to be set.
  5. If necessary, transfer the remaining objects of the accounts according to the instructions below.

In case of difficulties, check the following issues:

  • To allow the possibility of subordinate accounts creating, make sure that:
    • the Create users, Create resources, and Management system (CMS Manager) services are enabled;
    • the dealer rights are activated, and billing plans are assigned.

  • Enable the Import/Export service for the account you are exporting the user settings from.
  • to export all the user settings, you must have full access rights to them. Export as the main user to avoid checking for full rights since such a user has full access to all the service objects.

  • When you export the user settings, select the Complete copy option to include all the hidden settings (for example, operational settings for applications) in the copy.

Units and messages

Using messages export/import

  1. Export unit settings to WLP files. If several units are being exported at once, an archive with WLP files is created.
  2. In the original service, change the ID and phone numbers specified in the units properties. For example, you can add "_old" to the ID and an extra digit to the phone number.
  3. Extract the files from the archive you downloaded earlier and create units from the WLP files.
  4. Export messages from the units in the original service. Use WLN or WLB format.
  5. Import the messages into the appropriate units in the new service.

In case of difficulties, check the following issues:

  • To export all the unit settings, you must have full access rights to them. Export as the main user to avoid checking for full rights since such a user has full access to all the service objects.

  • 64 MB is the size limit for an imported file or archive. If the exported file is larger than 64 MB, it is necessary to divide the time interval for messages during export and, thus, obtain several files.
  • In the original service, the user must have the Export messages access right for the units with the messages to transfer. And in the destination service, the user must have the Import messages access right for the units to receive those messages.
  • The Messages service must be enabled in the account both in the original and destination services.
  • When transferring units, you may need to change the configuration of trackers. You can find the required IP and port numbers in the unit settings in the General section.
  • Messages received between the change of the original ID and the creation of a new unit from the WLP file may be lost if the device does not have a black box.

Using messages retransmitting

  1. Export unit settings to WLP files. If several units are being exported at once, an archive with WLP files is created.
  2. Extract the files from the archive you downloaded earlier and create units from the WLP files.
  3. When creating units, an error will be displayed with the text "Could not import all or some of the data”. This error occurs due to a conflict between the same ID and phone number in the original and destination services. When the unit properties window opens, you need to specify the device type as Wialon Retranslator and ID as the ID of the unit in the original service.
  4. Create a retranslator in the original service and add the units with the messages to transfer.
  5. Start the retranslator as it is created stopped.
  6. Open the retranslator settings, activate the Retransmitting data for a past period option, and specify the required period.
  7. When the retransmitting data for a past period is complete, change the ID and phone number of the units in the original service. For example, add "_old" to the ID and an extra digit to the phone number.
  8. Import the WLP files again and select Device configuration when importing. Re-import is necessary to specify the correct device type and phone number of the units in the new service.

In case of difficulties, check the following issues:

  • If retranslation is not available, check if the Retranslators service is enabled for the current and parent accounts.
    If retranslation is not available and there is no access to the parent account, you need to contact the monitoring service provider.
  • To add units to the retranslators, the user must have the Use unit in jobs, notifications, routes, retranslators access right for these units.
  • When retranslating from Wialon Hosting to Wialon Hosting, a special address is used that is different for each data center:
    • hosting.wialon.com — hw.sig;
    • hosting.wialon.eu — hw.tig;
    • hosting.wialon.us — hw.usa;
    • hosting.wialon.ru, hosting.wialon.org — hw.tms.
      If you need to clarify in which data center your service is located, please contact our technical support at support@wialon.com.

  • When transferring units, you may need to change the configuration of trackers. You can find the required IP and port numbers in the unit settings in the General tab.
  • Messages received between the change of the original ID and the creation of a new unit from the WLP file may be lost if the device does not have a black box.

Resources content

A resource is a storage for the following objects:

  • geofences and groups of geofences;
  • jobs and notifications;
  • report templates;
  • drivers, trailers, passengers, as well as groups of drivers, trailers, and passengers;
  • orders.

You can transfer both the entire content and individual objects. To transfer, follow the next steps:

  1. Export the content of the resources in the original service to a WLP file after selecting the objects you want to transfer.
  2. Import the content of the resources from the WLP files into the new service.

Orders can be exported and imported directly in the Logistics application.

Drivers’, trailers’, and passengers’ assignments are unavailable for transfer.

If the settings of the exported report templates, notifications, and jobs use any geofences, units, users, report templates, etc., you will need to re-set these settings. It is necessary because when creating new objects, they will be assigned a new internal ID, and the old settings will become invalid.


  1. Export the settings of the original user to a WLP file (Export to fileComplete copy). When exporting the settings of several users at once, an archive with WLP files is created.
  2. Rename the users in the original service, for example, by adding "_old" to the end of each name.
  3. Create users in the new service.
  4. Extract the files from the archive you downloaded earlier and import the settings of the respective users from the WLP files. It is important to note that user properties such as email addresses, access rights, and passwords are not transferred during export, and you need to reset them manually. If the service owner has saved the current passwords, they can set the same passwords for users after the transfer. In the other case, new passwords for users have to be set.

Unit groups

It is currently impossible to export the settings of unit groups. To transfer unit groups, you have to manually create them in an account in the new service, add the necessary unit to them, and grant users the appropriate access rights.


It is currently impossible to export the retranslator settings. To transfer a retranslator, you need to recreate it in the required account and manually copy the settings of the original retranslator into it.

Retranslators cannot be created on behalf of another user. Therefore, to create a retranslator in a particular account, you must be logged in as the user-creator of that account.


It is currently impossible to export the route settings. To transfer a route, you need to recreate it along with the schedule in the required account and manually transfer the settings of the original route into it.

Post-transfer check

After the transfer, we recommend performing the following steps:

  • check user rights to objects created as a result of the transfer (units, resources, etc.);
  • make sure that the messages from the units are transferred correctly;
  • check if the billing plans are assigned to the created accounts;
  • check the relationships between micro-objects (for example, geofences in the report templates and notifications).

It is worth deleting elements from the original service only after checking the correctness of the transfer of all the objects, their settings, and relationships.

Kristina Malakhovskaya,Customer Service Engineer

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