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Wialon Local
Wialon Hosting
wialon local 2204
  • reports
  • statistics

This block is displayed at the top of the report window and on the Dashboard page after the report is executed. The block contains summary information for the period selected in the report settings.

The columns that you can add to the Statistics block are listed below.

Number of ordersThe number of visited and not visited orders.
VisitedThe number of visited orders.
Visited in timeThe number of orders that have been visited before the end of the delivery interval.
Visited lateThe number of orders that have been visited after the end of the delivery interval.
Not visitedThe number of orders that have not been visited. 
Visited, confirmedThe number of orders that have been visited and confirmed.
Visited, not confirmedThe number of orders that have been visited but have not been confirmed (including rejected orders).
Not visited, confirmedThe number of orders that have not been visited but have been confirmed.
Not visited, not confirmedThe number of orders that have been neither visited nor confirmed.
ConfirmedThe number of orders that have been confirmed.
RejectedThe number of orders that have been rejected.
Percentage of orders visited in timeThe percentage of orders that have been visited before the end of the delivery interval.
Percentage of orders visited lateThe percentage of orders that have been visited after the end of the delivery interval.
Percentage of not visited ordersThe percentage of orders that have not been visited.
Percentage of visited but not confirmed ordersThe percentage of orders that have been visited but have not been confirmed (including rejected orders).
Percentage of not visited but confirmed ordersThe percentage of orders that have not been visited but have been confirmed. 
Percentage of rejected orders The percentage of orders that have been rejected.
Avg order time (estimated)The total estimated transit time divided by the number of orders.
Avg order time (actual)The total actual transit time divided by the number of orders.
Avg time deviation in ordersThe total deviation of all orders divided by the number of orders.
Avg order mileage (actual)The total actual mileage in all orders divided by the number of orders.
Avg order weightThe total weight of goods in all orders divided by the number of orders.
Avg order volumeThe total volume of goods in all orders divided by the number of orders.
Avg order costThe total cost of goods in all orders divided by the number of orders.
Avg fuel consumption for an order The total amount of consumed fuel divided by the number of orders. 
Estimated mileage in ordersThe total estimated mileage in all orders.
Actual mileage in ordersThe total actual mileage in all orders.
Fuel consumption for all ordersThe total amount of fuel consumed to fulfil all orders.
Total weight of ordersThe total weight of goods in all orders.
Total volume of ordersThe total volume of goods in all orders.
Total cost of ordersThe total cost of goods in all orders.

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