The Logistics Services v1.6 are designed to automate the import processes provided in the Logistics application. It allows you to import order lists and complete routes from CSV or XLSX files or using the JSON format.
Besides, the service allows you to integrate the Logistics application with third-party services and ERP systems by means of API for importing orders or routes.
The server for requests is
Importing orders
The service allows you to import orders from files or structured data using the POST method. The following input formats are supported:
The server responds with a JSON object.
General parameters
Parameter | Description |
authHash OR token | Authorization hash or token. Token should have permissions on "Modification of important data". |
resourceId | ID of the resource where the orders should be saved. The user must have permission to create orders in this resource. |
repeated | 1 — import orders as permanent (by default, 0). |
Parameter for importing from JSON
Parameter | Description |
data | JSON orders array |
curl -X POST "" --data 'token=TOKEN&resourceId=RESOURCE_ID&data=[{"uid":0,"id":0,"n":"test import","p":{"n":"","p":"","p2":"","e":"","a":"Ozo g., 12A, 08200 Vilnius, Lithuania","v":0,"w":0,"c":0,"d":"","ut":600,"t":"","r":null,"cid":"","uic":"","ntf":0,"pr":0,"tags":["test_import"]},"f":32,"tf": 0,"tt":86340,"r":100,"y":54.715678486583435,"x":25.278290202742635,"u":0,"s":0,"trt":3600,"cf":{"cf1":"value_1","cf2":"value2"},"itemId":RESOURCE_ID,"callMode":"create"}]&repeated=1'
Request example for PowerShell
Invoke-RestMethod-Uri "" -Method Post -Body "token=TOKEN&resourceId=RESOURCE_ID&data=[`{`"uid`":0,`"id`":0,`"n`":`"test import`",`"p`":`{`"n`":`"`, `"p`":`"`, `"p2`":`"`, `"e`":`"`, `"a`":`"Ozo g., 12A, 08200 Vilnius, Lithuania`",`"v`":0,`"w`":0,`"c`":0,`"d`":`"`, `"ut`":600,`"t`":`"`, `"r`":null,`"cid`":`"`, `"uic`":`"`, `"ntf`":0,`"pr`":0,`"tags`":[`"test_import`"]`},`"f`":32,`"tf`":0,`"tt`":86340,`"r`":100,`"y`":54.715678486583435,`"x`":25.278290202742635,`"u`":0,`"s`":0,`"trt`":3600,`"cf`":`{`"cf1`":`"value_1`",`"cf2`":`"value2`"`},`"itemId`":RESOURCE_ID,`"callMode`":`"create`"}]&repeated=1" -ContentType"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Parameters for importing from files
Parameter | Default value | Description |
file | CSV file (ZIP archiving allowed). XLSX file (no ZIP archiving allowed). | |
columns | tf,tt,x,y,p.n,p.a,n,p.r.vt | Succession of columns in file should be given in string, comma-separated, no spaces. |
separator | ; | Separator employed in a file. |
format | %d.%m.%Y %H:%M | Time format employed in a file. |
Request example for cURL
curl -i --form "token=TOKEN" --form "resourceId=RESOURSEID" -- form "format=%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" --form "separator=," --form "columns=n,tf,tt,x,y,p.tags,p.a,p.e,cf.name1,cf.name2" --form "repeated=1" --form "file=@file.csv"
Request example for PowerShell
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Method POST -Headers @{ 'Content-Type' = 'multipart/form-data' } -Form @{ 'token' = 'TOKEN'; 'resourceId' = 'RESOURSEID'; 'format' = '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S'; 'separator' = ','; 'columns' = 'n,tf,tt,x,y,p.tags,p.a,p.e,cf.name1,cf.name2'; 'repeated' = '1'; 'file' = Get-Item 'file.csv' }
Response in case of success
Object | Description |
{"parse": {"ok": 5, "error": 0}, "detail": {"errors_count": 0, "msgs": [],"errors_at": []}}, "save": {"ok": 5, "error": 0}} | Number of orders successfully parsed and saved. |
Response in case of error
Object | Description |
{"error": 8, "detail": "Invalid credentials"} | If any errors occur in Wialon, the service returns a standard error. If the error is negative, it means it happened on the side of the service. The field Detail provides more information about the error. |
Importing routes
The service allows you to import routes from files or structured data using the POST method. The following input formats are supported:
The server responds with a JSON object.
The sequence of orders in a route is identical to a sequence of orders in a file.
General parameters
Parameter | Description |
authHash OR token | Authorization hash or token. Token should have permissions on "Modification of important data". |
resourceId | ID of a resource where the orders should be saved. The user must have permission to create orders in this resource. |
unitId | ID of a unit to which a route is assigned. |
Parameter for importing from JSON
Parameter | Description |
data | JSON orders array |
Parameters for importing from files
Parameter | Default value | Description |
file | CSV file (ZIP archiving allowed). XLSX file (no ZIP archiving allowed). | |
columns | tf,tt,x,y,p.n,p.a,n,p.r.vt | Succession of columns in file should be given in string, comma-separated, no spaces. |
separator | ; | Separator employed in a file. |
format | %d.%m.%Y %H:%M | Time format employed in a file. |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'data=[{"tf":1734433200,"tt":1734451200,"x":25.278290202742635,"y":54.715678486583435,"p":{"n":"Customer","a":"Ozo g., 12A, 08200 Vilnius, Lithuania","r":{"vt":1734451100}},"n":"Order name"}]&resourceId=&token=&unitId=' ""
Request example for PowerShell
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Method POST -Headers @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } -Body 'data=[{"tf":1734433200,"tt":1734451200,"x":25.278290202742635,"y":54.715678486583435,"p":{"n":"Customer","a":"Ozo g., 12A, 08200 Vilnius, Lithuania","r":{"vt":1734451100}},"n":"Order name"}]&resourceId=&token=&unitId=').Content
Response in case of success
Object | Description |
{"error": 0, "detail": "Route with %s orders was created "} | Information on errors; information on a route created. |
Response in case of error
Object | Description |
{"error": 8, "detail": "Invalid credentials"} | If any errors occur in Wialon, the service returns a standard error. If the error is negative, it means it happened on the side of the service. The field Detail provides more information about the error. |
Receiving created routes
The service supports receiving of built routes using POST method. The server responds with a JSON object.
General parameters
Parameter | Description |
resourceId | ID of the resource a route belongs to. |
authHash OR token | Authorization hash or token. |
unitIds | Filtering of routes by unit IDs (separate IDs with comma, for example: unitIds=1,2,3). Only routes that are performed by the specified units are included in the response. |
from | Filtering of routes by time interval. The response contains the routes matching the indicated values. Either parameter can be omitted. |
to |
Request example for cURL
curl -X GET '<RESOURCE_ID>&token=<TOKEN>'
Request example for Powershell
(Invoke-WebRequest '' -Method GET).Content
Variables and their values
General parameters
Variable | Value |
n | order name |
x | longitude |
y | latitude |
r | radius, in meters |
tf | delivery interval starting time |
tt | delivery interval ending time |
trt | schedule advancing time, in seconds |
p.n | client name |
p.p | phone number |
p.p2 | second phone number |
p.e | |
p.a | address |
p.v | volume |
p.c | cost |
p.w | weight, in kg |
p.ut | unloading time, in seconds |
P.t | vehicle type |
p.d | comments |
p.tags | order tags, separator ‘|’ |
p.ntf | notification flags (0x1 — sms on the 1st phone number, 0x2 — sms on the 2d phone number, 0x10 — e-mail) |
cf | custom field |
Variable | Value |
p.r.vt | delivery point’s planned visiting time |
p.r.m | planned mileage from a previous delivery point (meters, 0 for the 1st point) |
p.r.t | planned time from a previous delivery point (seconds, 0 for the 1st point) |
rp | planned track (if unknown; points processed in a line by the algorithm) |