Resource Backup

You can create a resource backup for the following purposes:

  • transferring data from one account to another, including from Wialon Hosting to Wialon Local;
  • storing a backup of data in case of data loss;
  • preparing demo and new accounts quickly.

A resource backup contains:

  • fields;
  • crop rotation;
  • campaigns;
  • crops;
  • operations;
  • consumables;
  • cultivations (including the compound ones);
  • properties of implements;
  • resource settings.

Creating a backup

To create a resource backup, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the username in the navigation bar and select Create a resource backup.
  2. In the drop-down list, select the resource for which you want to create a backup.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Save the generated ZIP archive with the resource data on your computer.
You should not modify the ZIP archive. Otherwise, you will not be able to import it to another resource.

Importing a backup

To transfer data from a ZIP archive to another resource (hereinafter the target resource), the following requirements must be met:

  • the target resource should not contain fields, campaigns, crops, operations, or consumables;
  • in the target resource in Wialon, there should be created the same units, drivers, and trailers as in the backup (their names should be the same);
  • the user who imports the data should have access to the units, drivers, and trailers of the target resource and of the resource for which the backup was created.

To import a backup, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the username in the navigation bar and select Import a backup.
  2. In the drop-down list, select the resource to which the data should be transferred.
  3. Select the file that contains the backup.
  4. Click Import.
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See also