
To view the properties of a cultivation, click on its line in the table of potential cultivations. You can also open the properties on the Compound cultivations and Reports pages, however, editing is not available there.

The page header displays:

  • the name of the field in which the cultivation has been performed;
  • the total area of the field;
  • the cultivation type: cultivation (registered), potential or compound.

Below, the information is displayed in four sections. You can edit some of the properties.

Time and duration of the cultivation


Start time

The start time of the cultivation. It is defined as the time when the unit begins to move at non-zero speed within the field in compliance with other conditions under which the system finds cultivations.
End timeThe end time of the cultivation. It is defined as the end time of the last movement interval within the cultivation.


The duration of the cultivation. It is calculated as the sum of the movement intervals within the cultivation.

Summary information about the cultivation

UnitThe name of the unit that carried out the cultivation.
DriverThe name of the driver who performed the work. His can be determined by the system if the cultivation was carried out by the driver assigned to the unit. You can also select one or more drivers who carried out the cultivation.  In the field, you can use a dynamic search by the name of the driver.


The name of the crop. It is filled in automatically if the name is specified in the crop rotation of the field. In the drop-down list, you can select the crops included in the catalogue.


The type of work performed in the field. It is filled in automatically if the type is specified in the properties of the implement. In the drop-down list, you can select the operations included in the catalogue.

If you search for a cultivation by campaign, the same operation as in the campaign is indicated in the field automatically, regardless of the value in the properties of the implement. You can change the operation manually, but after that the cultivation cannot belong to the campaign for which it was found.

ImplementThe name of the implement that was used during the cultivation. This is also determined by the system if the cultivation was carried out using the implement assigned to the unit. If necessary, you can select the name of the required implement in the drop-down list.
WidthThe working width of the implement or unit (editable field). It is filled in automatically if the width is specified in the properties of the implement. For fractional numbers, a point is used as a separator. This field is not displayed for compound cultivations. 

The deviation of the implement to the right or left from the centre of the unit (editable field). It is filled in automatically if the deviation is specified in the properties of the implement. For fractional numbers, a point is used as a separator. This field is not displayed for compound cultivations.

When making changes to the Width or Deviation parameter, it is necessary to recalculate the areas (click Recalculate areas).

Cultivated area

The area of the field sections which the unit (or units) visited at least once. The percentage is calculated from the total area of ​​the field.
OverlapsThe area of the field sections which the unit visited more than once. The percentage is calculated from the cultivated area of ​​the field. In the case of compound cultivations, overlaps are places where the cultivated areas of the included cultivations intersect themselves.
OmissionsThe total area of the sections which the unit did not visit. These may be the 'blank spaces' between the cultivation sections or between the sections adjacent to the edge of the field (provided they are less than 1 ha). The omissions of more than 1 ha are included in the Area left. In the case of compound cultivations, omissions include all the uncultivated area of the field.
Area leftThe area of the field that has not been cultivated. It is not displayed for compound cultivations because, after combining, they are considered to be completed and all the uncultivated area is included in omissions.
MileageThe total mileage during the field cultivation.
Avg. speedThe average speed of movement across the field during the cultivation. It is calculated as the ratio of the mileage during the cultivation to its duration. The average speed is not displayed for compound cultivations.
Max. speedThe maximum speed of movement across the field during the cultivation. It is not displayed for compound cultivations.

Fuel spent

The amount of fuel spent during the cultivation. The value is taken from the Consumed column of the Статистика table if it is available for the selected unit in Wialon (the fuel sensors are configured). If the unit has several sensors of different types and the Priority of fuel sensors option is activated, the type of the sensor that has been used for the calculation is displayed next to the fuel volume. The Consumed value includes the fuel consumed when the vehicle was making a turn.

In some cases, there may be discrepancies between the consumed fuel values in Wialon and Hecterra. The possible reasons for these discrepancies are as follows:

  • in Wialon, the start of the interval on which fuel consumption is taken into account is the first message within the field, whereas in Hecterra, the last message before entering the field;
  • if during the cultivation the unit leaves the field for a time which doesn’t exceed the specified turning time, then this time is included in the cultivation in Hecterra, whereas in Wialon, when running a report on a geofence with the retrieval of intervals, it isn’t included;
  • if during the cultivation the unit repeatedly leaves the field for a time longer than the specified turning time, then the cultivation consists of many intervals. Fuel calculation on short intervals may not be very accurate due to fuel fluctuations. To solve this problem, you can specify a longer turning time.

Specifying a crop rotation

Add to crop rotation as is an option which allows adding the cultivation to the crop rotation as sowing or harvesting. After you enable the option and approve the cultivation, the information on the Crop rotation tab of the field properties is updated in accordance with the following rules:

  • If you add the cultivation as sowing, a new row is created in the field properties and it shows the date of the registered cultivation in the Sowing date column. If the field properties already contain a row with the same crop (without any harvesting date) and a filled Sowing date cell, then its value is replaced with the date of the registered cultivation.
  • To add the cultivation as harvesting,  the field properties should contain a row with the same crop and the date of the registered cultivation should be within the crop growing period. If the Harvesting date cell of the crop row is already filled in, its value is replaced with the cultivation date.


In this table, you can indicate the fuel volume consumed by the unit per unit area, which is established by the rate. It is indicated by the user for each cultivation. After clicking on the field, the last 5 values indicated during the session are displayed in the drop-down list. A value is shown only if the cultivation has been recalculated or saved after entering it.

To the table, you can also add consumables created on the same-name page. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Add button (not available if there are no created consumables or all of them have already been added to the table).
  2. Select the type of consumables.
  3. Select the required name of consumable from the list available for the selected type. You can use a dynamic search.
  4. Specify the amount of consumable that the unit uses per unit area, which is established by the rate. The unit of measurement is automatically specified as the unit of volume or mass from the catalogue of consumables per unit area (for example, l/ha). For fractional numbers, a point is used as a separator.

You can add different consumables of the same type to the table.

If there are no created consumables of a particular type or all of them have already been added to the table, this type is not available. If a consumable has already been added to the table, its name is not displayed in the drop-down list.

To delete a row with a consumable from the table, point to it and click on the icon .

Consumables are not displayed for compound cultivations

Developer mode

In developer mode, you can see the ID of the system elements as well as additional information about cultivation. To do this, point to the icon  on the page header.

Found onThe date and time when the potential cultivation was found.
Working day starts atThe time of the beginning of the working day specified in the settings at the moment of searching for potential cultivations.
Field versionThe date and time when the name, description or contours of the field were changed last taken at the moment of finding the potential cultivation. In addition to the actions listed above, the version can change after synchronization. The version of all fields in the resource (or in the group) changes if at least one field in the resource (or in the group) has been updated as a result of synchronization.
Work sensorThe name of the work sensor (if specified).
Min. mileage in relation to field perimeterThe minimum percentage ratio of the unit’s track to the field perimeter specified in the resource settings.
Cultivations at near-zero speed: onThis caption is shown if the potential cultivation has been found with the same-name option enabled.

For compound cultivations, only the field version is displayed.

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See also