
NimBus helps passenger transport managers to plan rides and control their execution. It makes it possible to track urban, suburban, and interurban passenger transportation.

The application allows you:

  • to distribute units (vehicles) by routes;
  • to monitor rides online;
  • to control adherence to the schedules;
  • to track the unit on the route;
  • to create notifications about events during the ride;
  • to execute reports on rides.

Basic definitions

Learn the basic concepts used in the application.

BlockA chain of schedules which are executed successively by one unit and belong to the routes with the same number and type of transport.
Collection of routesThe unity of routes with the same name and type.
Depot A repository which stores stops, routes, schedules, history of rides and other information related to the functioning of the service.
Operation patternThe list of days when the schedule should be active.
RideThe movement of a vehicle (unit) from the place of departure to the destination along a specific route and according to the assigned schedule. The ride is one of the key concepts in NimBus.
RouteThe path of the unit which consists of stopping points (stops).
ScheduleA table which contains information about the time of passing through stops.
StopA geographical area (polygon, circle) which a unit should visit during its ride.
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