
The Dashboard page is available only to users for whom the depot is activated, and contains a summary of its contents. The page is updated dynamically and is displayed after you log in to the application. Besides, you can open it from the user menu.

This page allows you to assess the overall situation in the depot or the user on one screen, and also to draw attention to some potential problems: incorrectly configured time, the availability of routes without schedules, rides without units, etc.

In the upper-right corner of the page, the current date and time are shown. The information is presented in the form of blocks which correspond to the main pages of the application. Click on any of the blocks to open the page it represents.

The following information blocks can be displayed on the Dashboard page: StopsRoutesRidesOnline. The Stops block is always available. For viewing the other ones, you should have the same access rights as for the same name pages:

  • The View routes right for access to the Routes block;
  • The View routes and Rides rights for access to the Rides block;
  • The View routes and Online rights for access to the Online block.


The block consists of four sections described below.

Left for todayThe total number of active and upcoming rides (cancelled rides are not taken into account).
Active nowThe number of rides active at present.
OverlappingThe number of overlapping rides, to which the same unit is assigned.
With no unitThe number of rides with no unit assigned.

Click on the required section to go to the Rides page with the filtration turned on.


The block consists of five sections described below.

AllAll rides for which it is time to start. If a unit visits any point of the route within 10 minutes before the start of the ride, the ride is also included in this number.
Behind scheduleThe number of rides which are behind the schedule.
Ahead of scheduleThe number of rides which are ahead of schedule.
No-showThe number of rides for which the assigned unit has not left.
With no unitThe number of rides with no unit assigned.

When you point to a sector of any pie chart, a percentage of rides belonging to this category is displayed. Click on the required section of the block to go to the Online page with the filtration turned on.


Below, you can see the information displayed in the block.

TotalThe total number of stops (shown inside the diagram).
BusThe total number of bus stops.
TrolleybusThe total number of trolleybus stops.
TramThe total number of tram stops.
Route taxiThe total number of route taxi stops.
NoneThe total number of stops without type.

When you point to a sector of the pie chart, a percentage of stops belonging to this category is displayed. Click on the required transport type or sector of the chart to go to the Stops page with the filtration turned on. To see all the stops, click on the centre of the chart.


Below, you can see the information displayed in the block.

TotalThe total number of routes (shown inside the diagram).
BusThe total number of bus routes.
TrolleybusThe total number of trolleybus routes.
TramThe total number of tram routes.
Route taxiThe total number of route taxi routes.
DisabledThe total number of disabled routes.
SchedulesThe summarized number of schedules for all routes.
With no schedulesThe number of routes with no schedules.

When you point to a sector of the pie chart, a percentage of routes belonging to this category is displayed. Click on the required transport type or sector of the chart to go to the Routes page with the filtration turned on. To see all the routes, click on the centre of the chart.

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See also