Depot Settings

Here you can specify the time zone to which the depot belongs, the daylight saving time period, if applicable, and the ride activation time.

Here you can also enable or disable the Online 2.0 mode. When you create and activate new depots, the Online 2.0 mode is enabled for them automatically.

Three settings are available.

Time zoneThe selection of the time zone.
Daylight saving timeThe activation of the daylight saving time. If necessary, select one of the available options: for Europe or North America.
Online 2.0The activation of the Online 2.0 mode.

Besides the settings, two types of ride activation are available.

Activation typeDescription
According to schedule

The selection of the number of minutes (10 or 5) the rides should be activated before they begin on schedule regardless of whether they have assigned units or not. The default value is 10.

When visiting a stop

This activation type is available only in the Online 2.0 mode and is required for the routes with the automatic assignment of units enabled. In the field, you should indicate the number of minutes (from 1 to 60) the system should start taking into account messages from all the units associated with the route before any of them visits the first stop on schedule. The default value is 10.

Online 2.0

Online 2.0 is the operation mode of NimBus with a new tracking module which is responsible for:

  • receiving and processing messages from units;
  • sending messages about rides to the locator.

In addition to the standard features of NimBus, the new functions in Online 2.0 allow you:

The algorithm of the Online 2.0 tracking module also allows executing the rides of routes with intersections correctly.

To enable the Online 2.0 mode for a depot, follow the steps described below.

  1. On the Administration page, select the required depot (if there are several available).
  2. On the Depot settings tab, activate the switch of the Online 2.0 mode.
  3. In the According to schedule field, select the number of minutes (5 or 10) the rides should be activated before they begin on schedule regardless of whether they have assigned units or not.
  4. In the When visiting a stop field, indicate the number of minutes the system should start taking into account messages from the units associated with the route before any of them visits the first stop on schedule.
  5. Click Save.
You cannot change the mode more than once every 30 seconds.
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See also