Reports allow you to view detailed information about the previous services, estimate the ratio of closed, rejected and overdue services, their total cost, etc.
To go to the page of reports, select the same name item in the navigation panel.
The types of reports available in Fleetrun are listed below.
Report type | Description |
By fleet | A report on all the services of the fleet for the specified period. |
By unit | A report on all the services of the unit for the specified period. |
By driver | A report on all the services of the driver for the specified period. |
By trailer | A report on all the services of the trailer for the specified period. |
By interval | A report on all the services created based on a certain service interval. |
By unit type | A report on all the services of units of the same type for the specified period. |
By fleet line items | A report on the line items indicated in the services of all the units, trailers and drivers of the fleet. Available for the services which are due, overdue, closed, or in progress. |
By unit line items | A report on the line items indicated in the services of the selected unit or units. Available for the services which are due, overdue, closed, or in progress. |
By fleet cost per 1 km (mi) | A report on the average cost for the closed services of all units of the fleet per 1 kilometre for the specified period. |
By unit cost per 1 km (mi) | A report on the average cost for the closed services of the unit per 1 kilometre for the specified period. |
By fleet fuel fillings | A report on the fuel fillings of all the units of the fleet for the specified period. |
By unit fuel fillings | A report on the fuel fillings of the unit for the specified period. |
By custom field | A report on a certain custom field from the services of units (available if there are custom fields). |
To generate a report, follow the steps below.
- Indicate the report parameters: type, status, element (elements). The fleet selected in the user settings is automatically indicated as an element for reports of the following types: by fleet, by fleet line items, by fleet cost per 1 km (mi), and by fleet fuel fillings. For reports of other types, you can select up to 10 elements.
- If you need to group the data in the report, select the grouping criterion in the next drop-down list. Depending on the type of the report, the following criteria can be available: by interval, type, service object, line item, line item type, service. To cancel the selection, click on the icon
to the right of the selected criterion. For reports on the line items of the fleet or unit, the grouping is always required. Grouping is not available for reports on the cost per 1 km (mi).
- If you need to see the data for a specific period, select it in the calendar (only for services in the archive). Working with the calendar here is similar to that on the Dashboard page.
- Click on the Execute button.
The report can be exported to an XLSX file. To do this, click on the button in the upper right corner of the window. You can also set up sending a report by email.
The contents of the report can be sorted by almost any of its columns. To do this, click on the heading of the required column. Buttons next to the heading indicate the direction of sorting: — for direct,
— for reverse sorting. To change the direction, click on the name of the column.
You can change the selection of columns by ticking the ones you need in the list that appears when you click the icon .
Below is the list of columns available in the reports.
Column | Description |
Actual mileage | The actual mileage of the unit. |
Cost per 1 km (mi) | The average cost of the closed services per 1 km (mi) for the units or fleet for the specified period. To calculate it, the total cost for the services for the specified period is divided by the actual mileage for the same period. |
Cost per 1 l (gal) | The cost of fuel per litre (gallon). |
Cost per one part/labour | The cost of labour or one part in the line item indicated in the service properties. |
Description | The description of the service (if specified). |
Driver | The name of the driver who has carried out the fuel filling (if specified). |
End date | The end date and time of service. |
Engine hours | Engine hours value at the moment of service. |
Estimated service date | The estimated start date of due or overdue services. |
Fuel filling date | The date on which the fuel filling has been carried out. |
Fuel type | The type of fuel used during the fuel filling. |
In service since | The date from which the service is carried out for a unit, trailer, or driver. |
Interval | The name of the interval. |
Labour | The cost of labour, specified in the properties of the service. The field is empty if no line items of the Labour type were indicated or only the total cost is specified. |
Line item | The name of the line item indicated in the service properties. If only the total cost of the service is indicated, 1 is displayed in this column in reports on the line items of the fleet or unit with grouping by service selected. |
Line item type | The type of line item indicated in the service properties. |
Location | The address of the filling station where the vehicle has been filled (if specified). |
Mileage | Mileage value at the moment of service. |
Overdue | The number of days/kilometres (miles)/engine hours that service has been overdue. If the service is completed in time, a dash is displayed in this column. |
Parts | The cost of parts, specified in the properties of the service. The field is empty if no line items of the Part type were indicated or only the total cost is specified. |
Quantity of parts/labour | The number of parts indicated for the line item of the Part type in the service properties. For the line item of the Labour type, 1 is displayed in the column. |
Service | The name of the service. |
Service object | The vehicle or driver for which the service is carried out. |
Start date | The start date and time of service. |
Term of completion | The number of days/kilometres (miles)/engine hours after which the service must be completed. |
Time in service | The service duration. |
Time in service, s | The service duration in seconds (displayed in the reports sent by e-mail and exported to XLSX). |
Total cost | The total cost of fuel used during the fuel filling. |
Total cost of parts/labour | The total cost of the line item indicated in the service properties. |
Total cost of service | The total cost of the service indicated in its properties. In the case of the reports by cost per 1 km (mi), the total cost for all the services carried out for the specified period is displayed. |
Total mileage | The mileage value from the time when the vehicle was manufactured to the time of report execution. If the value is unknown, a dash is displayed. |
Type | The type of service object. For a unit, the type selected on the Unit profile tab of its properties is displayed in the column. |
Unit | The vehicle for which the fuel fulling has been carried out. |
Volume | The volume of fuel in litres (gallons). |
If there are custom fields in the services of units, the same-name columns which display the values of these fields are available.
Summary information for each column is displayed in the Total row at the bottom of the table. For the Total cost of service column, the cost of those services that do not have any parts or labour indicated on the Line items tab of their properties is shown in brackets next to the total cost of all the services.
The contents of the report can be copied to the clipboard. Data on closed and rejected services are stored for 5 years.