Extended Unit Information

To view extended information about a unit, tap the line with it in the list.

The information is shown on two tabs:

The contents of the tabs can be divided into four sections:

  • map;
  • latest data about the unit;
  • general information about the unit (the Info tab);
  • data on events registered in the unit history (the History tab).

You can hide the map or the general information/data section. To do this, drag the latest data section up or down respectively. You can also use the arrows on the right side of the latest data section.

In the upper-right corner of the screen, there is the icon . Tap it to open the additional menu with the options.


To view the unit properties the following access rights are required:

  • View custom fields;
  • View admin fields;
  • View drivers;
  • View trailers.

The Info tab displays the unit location on the map (taken from the last message), the latest data (see Unit section for its description), and general information about the unit properties.

The General information section consists of tabs with unit properties. To select the tabs you want to be displayed in the section, click Configure tab view at the end of the list and enable or disable the required tabs using the switch. The indicated settings are applied to all the units at the same time.

The following tabs can be available:

Custom fields

The custom fields added on the same-name tab in the web version of Wialon.


The sensors for which the Visible option is enabled on the Sensors tab in the web version of Wialon. The order of sensors depends on their order configured on the tab.

If filtration is configured for a fuel level sensor, the unit information shows its filtered value. The unit section, by contrast, displays the raw value.

You can choose how fractional values of sensors should be rounded in the user settings in the Wialon web version.

The unit characteristics specified on the Profile tab in the web version of Wialon.

HardwareThe device type and unique ID specified on the General tab in the web version of Wialon. To see this information, you must have the View connectivity settings access right to the unit.
CountersThe readings of the mileage, engine hours, and GPRS traffic counters.
ParametersThe raw data received from the device. To view parameters in the mobile application, the Messages service is required. 
TrailersThe trailers assigned to the unit.
DriversThe drivers assigned to the unit. To the right of the driver’s name you can see the phone number specified in the driver’s properties. To call the driver, tap the number.
AltitudeThe altitude above sea level.
SatellitesThe number of satellites with which the connection is established.

You cannot edit unit properties in the application. After a long tap on the line with the property, its value is copied to the clipboard.


The application uses the data obtained as a result of the real-time processing of messages.

The History tab displays a list which contains data on trips, parking intervals, fuel fillings, drains, and consumption, battery charges and consumption. In addition, the tab can display all events registered by means of notifications with the Register event for unit action. To do this, activate the Events from notifications in unit history switch in the Notifications section of the settings. You can create and configure such notifications only in the web version of Wialon (see more about the types).

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