Forming a Request

To configure a request for a tax report, select a unit in the dropdown list and indicate a time period. To make the search for the required unit easier, you can select the group to which it belongs in the first drop-down list. You can indicate a predefined day (Today, Yesterday) or interval (Week, Month) or any other period of time (Custom).

The table of trips is generated on the basis of the request. The table includes the following parameters:

  • beginning,
  • end,
  • trip duration,
  • initial  location,
  • final location,
  • mileage in the initial position,
  • mileage in the final position,
  • travelled mileage,
  • driver,
  • user,
  • last changes,
  • trip status,
  • notes.

You can choose the necessary number of table columns using the button  in the upper-right corner of the table header.

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See also