
The bottom block is the report bar. The indicated time interval and driver activity legend are displayed in the bar header.

To begin working with a report, you should select its type from the dropdown list. The application supports 4 types of reports:

  • Driver activity;
  • Infringements;
  • Activity chart;
  • Daily activity.

The Driver activity report has a table view and includes the columns described below.

DateThe activity date. Note that the table does not contain the dates with no activity even if these dates correspond to the indicated interval.
MileageThe distance travelled by the driver within 24 hours.
BeginningThe activity start time.
Effective activityThe total duration of driving, work and availability.
DrivingThe duration of driving.
WorkThe duration of work.
Availability.The duration of availability.
RestThe duration of rest.

You can sort the table by any of the above-mentioned parameters. To do this, click on the required parameter in the table header.

Click on the required date in the table to open a table with information for the day detailed by time. The table includes the following columns:

  • activity start time;
  • activity type;
  • slot duration;
  • slot status;
  • driver status;
  • driver card.

To go back to the previous table, click on the time interval shown in the block header.

The Infringements report has a table view and includes the following parameters:

  • time of infringement;
  • date of the infringement;
  • infringement type;
  • short description;
  • the severity of the infringement.

The Activity chart report has a table view where every day of the selected time interval is split into 1-hour intervals. The duration of every type of activity is shown in front of the timeline. The timeline itself is marked with colour indicators corresponding to the driver activity type. The same colour scheme is used both for the block of reports and driver activity timeline. Click on a date to open a table with detailed information for the day.

The Daily activity report is a table with an activity scheme for each date of the indicated interval and the following parameters:

  • operating time,
  • driving time,
  • mileage.

You can download any of the received reports in the XLS format or print by using the buttons in the upper-right corner of the report bar.

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See also