
Reports bar is displayed below the list of units. It is similar to the reports bar in the monitoring system, but you can query reports and messages only for units and unit groups. Moreover, here you can use only the report templates created in the monitoring system.

To request a report, you should select a report template (created in the monitoring system), element (unit) and indicate time period. As a time interval, you can select an established day (TodayYesterday), interval (WeekMonth) or indicate any other period of time (Custom). Then click on the Execute button.

The report opens in an individual window on the top of a desktop. Depending on report template settings it can contain tables, charts and map fragment (if the corresponding options are activated in the report template). At the footer, there are buttons to navigate through the table pages and the main buttons to work with charts. You can switch tabs by clicking on the necessary ones in the window header. Moreover, here you can find the buttons for saving the report in the PDF or XLS formats. You can hide the report window by using the button in the right corner of the window header. To expand the window, click on the icon in the form of a page to the left of the Execute button in the reports bar.

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See also