Viewing Extended Driver Information

To view extended information on a driver, you should indicate a date or period when the file has been uploaded. You can indicate an established day (TodayYesterday) or an interval (WeekMonth), or indicate any other period of time (Custom). Then click OK. It forms a table on the basis of the indicated date. The table contains the following columns: driver name, file name, date of uploading, last activity date (if a month has passed since the last activity, the information is displayed in red).

To open the window of extended information on a driver, click on the driver name in the table. The following information is displayed in the window: card ID, information from driver properties (including an image of a driver), and the list of uploaded files which you can filter by file name or activity period. Moreover, the window has the activity calendar for a year in which green colour indicates months with driver activity and the white colour indicates the lack of activity.

To download a DDD file, click on the icon in the form of cloud opposite to the file name.

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Download Word document

See also