To go to the settings dialog, click on the button in the form of gear in the right corner of the top bar. The settings dialog has four sections:
- mileage calculation,
- table,
- choosing geofences,
- printing parameters.
In the first section, you should select a data source for mileage calculation: internal algorithm, mileage sensor, mileage counter. If you select the internal algorithm, the mileage is calculated on the basis of the events registered for the unit. If you select the mileage sensor, the mileage is calculated on the basis of the values from the same-name sensor created in the monitoring system. If a sensor is either not created or adjusted incorrectly with the result that the unit sends invalid values, the mileage is calculated by the internal algorithm. If you select the mileage counter, the mileage is calculated on the basis of mileage counter values which are regularly saved in the system.
In the next section, you should set the additional table settings: group by date, show summary. If you activate the Group by date option, the information for any indicated period is divided by date and each date is displayed on a new tab. If you additionally activate the Show summary option, you can find the resulting information both for this day and for the whole chosen time interval in the bottom of each table for the particular date. If you activate the Show summary option without the Group by date option, you can find only the resulting information for the whole indicated period at the bottom of the table.
To determine a trip status (see the Home-office-home status above), you should indicate geofences for home and office in the next section.
In the Print section, you can customize the layout of the report for printing. For the Header and Footer fields, you can select one of the three available templates that determine what type of information should be in the first and the last page of the report.
Moreover, you can enter the values for the Taxable mileage and Tax payment parameters in the corresponding fields of this section. The sum of a refund is calculated on the basis of the indicated parameters. To display the refund sum on the taxable mileage in the printed report, select Template 2 in the Footer field and activate the Show payment option.
If the Show home-office-home option is activated, you can include the mileage between home and office in the printed report.