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Viewing Reports Online
  • reports
  • report_results

After executing a report, you can view the Report result section under the Report templates header. Tables or charts are shown in the lower right part of the window. Nothing is displayed if there is no required data for the specified interval.

The Report result section shows a list of the report contents: tables, charts, statistics. Click on the name of the required component to open it in the lower part of the window. The name of the open table, chart or statistics has a darker background.

Apart from tables, charts, and statistics, you can view the information on the map: for example, markers and tracks.

If the data in a table cell is highlighted in blue, you can move to the point that corresponds to it on the map. To do this, click on the cell.

A table can contain up to 100 000 lines, therefore it is divided into pages. To navigate through the pages, use the buttons at the top of the window (the blue arrows):

  •  : show the next page;
  •  : show the previous page;
  •  : go to the first page;
  •  : go to the last page.

To go to the required page, you can also type its number in the field of the toolbar above the table and press Enter.

To adjust the number of lines per page, select one of the available options (25, 50, 100, 200, 500) in the drop-down list of the toolbar.

The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  •  : the button for downloading all images for the report interval. Available if at least one of the report tables contains the Image column. The images are saved to an archive along with information about the date, time and place of their sending. 
  • : the button for going to messages.
  • : the button for exporting the report to PDF (default PDF settings: landscape orientation, A4 format, fixed page width).
  • : the button for exporting the report to Excel.
  • : the button for exporting the report to a file.
  • : the button for printing the report.
  • /: the buttons for switching between the Map-report view and Dual report view modes.

The Clear button removes the report and the Report result section from the screen.

Going from tabular report to messages

You can go from a report table to messages. This can be useful for analysing the data received from a unit.

To go to the messages, click on the Transfer to messages button (). After that, the text in the cells that indicate time (such as Time, Beginning, End, etc.) becomes purple. These are links. Click on a link to go to the Messages tab where you can see all the messages for the report interval. The message of the selected link is highlighted in grey. On the map, the place from which it was sent is indicated with a marker. To return to the report, go to the Reports tab.

By default, the Transfer to messages button is inactive. If you click on this button, its active state is preserved when switching between tables, charts, and statistics.

Dual report view

If a report contains several charts or tables, you can view two of them at a time. To do this, click on the Dual report view button. After that, another chart or table opens and replaces the map. By default, this is the chart or table that follows the active one in the Report result section.

To switch between the report tables and charts, activate the one you want to replace (click on it so that its frame turns blue) and select the required one in the Report result section. The active table or chart is marked with the icon in the list.

Viewing images

You can add the Image column to some report tables in order to see the images received from units. The column displays the number of images and the icon for viewing them ().

To see an image, click on the icon . In the upper part of the window, you can see the date, time and place of its sending. If there are several images, use the left and right arrow buttons to navigate between them.

You can see the place from which the image was sent on the map. To do this, click on the icon . The map is displayed in the right part of the window and is centred on the place of the image sending. To change the map scale, use the buttons /

To download images, use one of the buttons:



Download image

Allows you to download the viewed image as a JPEG file. 

Download images

Allows you to download all images (if there are several) as an archive. If there is only one image, it is saved as a JPEG file.

The downloaded images contain information about the date, time and place of their sending.

To close the window for viewing images, click on the Close button or on the icon .

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