apps (apps/list)
To get the list of available apps, use the following request:
You can use the following optional parameters in the request:
Name | Description |
manageMode | 1 - flag for billing data. |
filterLang | Filter by language. |
If the request is completed successfully, the following response is returned:
{"name":"<text>", /* app name */
"description":"<text>", /* app description */
"url":"<text>", /* app url */
"flags":<uint>, /*flags */
"sortOrder":<uint>, /*sort type */
"serviceName":"<text>", /* service name*/
"id":<uint>, /* app ID */
"langs":"<text>", /* app languages*/
"requiredServicesList":"<text>", /* required services */
"billingPlans":"<text>", /* required billing plans*/}
Otherwise, an error code is returned.
Error codes
Error code | Description |
7 | Access denied (unknown WDC_ROOT, unknown cluster for the user, billing check failed for the user). |