To get settings for filtering location data in unit messages, use the unit/get_messages_filter command.
The request must contain the itemId parameter, specifying the unit ID.
If the request is completed successfully, the response contains filtering settings.
"enabled":<uint>, /* 1 - enable filtering of location data in unit messages, 0 - disable */
"skipInvalid":<uint>, /* Skip invalid messages */
"minSats":<uint>, /* Minimum number of satellites */
"maxHdop":<double>, /* Maximum HDOP value */
"maxSpeed":<uint>, /* Maximum speed value */
"lbsCorrection":<uint>, /* Allow positioning by cellular base stations */
"wifiCorrection":<uint>, /* Allow positioning by Wi-Fi spots */
"minWifiPoints":<uint>, /* Minimum number of Wi-Fi points */
"maxWifiPoints":<uint>, /* Maximum number of Wi-Fi points */
"wifiAccuracy":<double> /* Location accuracy, m */
If the request fails, the response contains error code 7, indicating that the user doesn’t have the required access right to the unit (ADF_ACL_ITEM_VIEW_PROPERTIES).