The export_result function is used to export report results to a file.
You can't execute this request simultaneously with the following requests:
Name | Description |
format | File format (see below). |
Optional parameters:
Name | Description | Default value |
compress | Report file compression:
| 1 |
pageOrientation | Page orientation (PDF): portrait, landscape. | portrait |
pageSize | Page format (PDF): a4, a3. | a4 |
pageWidth | Page width (PDF):
| 0 |
coding | Encoding (CSV): utf8, cp1251. | utf8 |
delimiter | Delimiter (CSV): semicolon, colon. | colon |
headings | Displaying headers:
| 0 |
attachMap | Attaching the map (PDF and HTML only):
| 0 |
extendBounds | Extend the map to include geofences:
| 0 |
hideMapBasis | Hiding the map layer:
| 0 |
outputFileName | File name. | Online_report |
hideGoogleLinks | Hide google links in coordinate cells (PDF and XLSX):
| 0 |
splitChart | Splitting by day or week. | <empty> |
appendTreeAnchorRows | Append tree anchor rows with an empty row:
| 0 |
According to the new logics for the “extendedBounds” parameter, by default the map is zoomed to fit the tracks, markers, and icons. When the option is enabled, the map is also zoomed to fit the geofences. If there are no graphic elements (neither tracks, markers, icons for the default situation, nor geofences for the activated extended bounds option), the map isn’t displayed at all.
File formats:
- 1 — HTML;
- 2 — PDF;
- 4 — XLS;
- 8 — XLSX;
- 16 — XML;
- 32 — CSV.
Returned result
Returns a file of demanded format.
Possible error codes:
Code | Description |
6 | Failed to fetch the user. |
5 | Report file reading/writing error. |
4 | Wrong input parameters. |