The basic method to work with orders is order/update.
How to start?
- Create an order with callMode:“create” (if no unit is assigned to the order, the response with the order details will return s:0);
- Assign a unit to the order using callMode:"assign" (the response with the order details will return s:1);
- Manually move an order to history using callMode:“register”.
Creating or updating an order
"svc": "order/update",
"params": {
"itemId": <long>, /* resource ID */
"id": <long>, /* order ID (0 in the case of creation) */
"n": "<text>", /* order name */
"oldOrderId": <long>, /* old order ID */
"oldOrderFiles": ["<text>"], /* array of old order files */
"p": { /* order parameters */
"n": "<text>", /* client name */
"p": "<text>", /* phone */
"p2": "<text>", /* second phone */
"e": "<text>", /* email */
"a": "<text>", /* address */
"v": "<text>", /* volume */
"w": "<text>", /* weight, kg */
"c": <uint>, /* cost */
"ut": <uint>, /* service time, s */
"t": "<text>", /* vehicle type */
"d": "<text>", /* description */
"uic": "<text>", /* number of the shipping document */
"cid": "<text>", /* custom ID */
"cm": "<text>", /* comment upon confirming/rejecting order */
"aff": "<text>", /* [warehouse] list of warehouse unit IDs ("123,456") */
"z": "<text>", /* [warehouse] list of warehouse geofences ("resId_geofenceId,...") */
"ntf": <uint>, /* notification flags: 1 - SMS to first phone; 0x2 - SMS to second phone; 0x10 - email */
"pr": <uint>, /* order priority */
"tags": [<uint>], /* order tags */
"r": { /* route information */
"id": "<uint>", /* route ID */
"i": "<uint>", /* number [0..] */
"m": "<uint>", /* mileage from previous point as planned, m */
"t": "<uint>", /* time from previous point as planned, s */
"ndt": <uint>, /* time before estimated delivery to notify customer, s */
"vt": "<uint>" /* visit time as planned, UNIX_TIME */
"rp": "<text>", /* order route */
"f": <uint>, /* order flags */
"tf": <uint>, /* lower bound of order completion time, UNIX-time */
"tt": <uint>, /* upper bound of order completion time, UNIX-time */
"trt": <uint>, /* acceptable schedule advancement time, s */
"r": <uint>, /* order point radius, m */
"y": <double>, /* order point latitude */
"x": <double>, /* order point longitude */
"u": <long>, /* unit ID */
"ej": {}, /* extended JSON (optional) */
"tz": <int>, /* user time stamp */
"callMode": "<text>", /* "create" or "delete" to create or delete, respectively */
"dp": ["<uint>", ..] /* array of dependent order IDs */
Deleting an order
"svc": "order/update",
"params": {
"itemId": <long>, /* resource ID */
"id": <long>, /* order ID (0 in the case of creation) */
"force": <uint>, /* enable force deletion of problem routes (optional) */
"callMode": "delete"
Moving an order to the history manually
svc=order/update¶ms={"itemId":<long>, /* resource ID */
"id":<long>, /* order ID (0 in the case of creation) */
Assigning a unit to the order
svc=order/update¶ms={"itemId":<long>, /* resource ID */
"id":<long>, /* order ID (0 in the case of creation) */
"u":<long>, /* unit ID */
Rejecting an order
svc=order/update¶ms={"itemId":<long>, /* resource ID */
"id":<long>, /* order ID (0 in the case of creation) */
Confirming an order
svc=order/update¶ms={"itemId":<long>, /* resource ID */
"id":<long>, /* order ID (0 in the case of creation) */
The flags should be passed in the f field in JSON. They are as follows:
Value | Description |
0x1 | The order will be marked as completed if there is at least one message within the order area with zero speed in it. |
0x2 | The order will be completed after the unit leaves the order area. |
0x4 | First warehouse. |
0x8 | Last warehouse. |
0x10 | Intermediate (reload) warehouse. |
0x20 | Permanent order. |
0x40 | The orders can’t be confirmed outside the specified radius. |
0x80 | Do not change the order status after the route is completed automatically. |
0x100 | If the route has been completed automatically, but the order has not been executed, a new one is created on the basis of the order copy. |
The flags 0x8, 0x10 are taken into account during optimization only if the orders are in the array of warehouses.
"id":<uint>, /* order ID */
"n":"<text>", /* order name */
"p":{ /* order parameters */
"n":"<text>", /* client name */
"p":"<text>", /* phone */
"p2":"<text>", /* second phone */
"e":"<text>", /* email */
"a":"<text>", /* address */
"v":<uint>, /* volume */
"w":<uint>, /* weight, kg */
"c":<uint>, /* cost */
"ut":<uint>, /* service time, s */
"t":"<text>", /* vehicle type */
"d":"<text>", /* description */
"uic":"<text>", /* number of the shipping document */
"cid":"<text>", /* custom ID */
"cm":"<text>", /* comment which is left upon confirming or rejecting the order */
"aff":"<text>", /* [ warehouse ] list of the warehouse unit IDs ("123,456") */
"z":"<text>", /* [ warehouse ] list of the warehouse geofences ("resId_geofenceId,...") */
"ntf":<uint>, /* notification flags */
"pr":<uint>, /* order priority */
"r": { /* route information */
"id":"<text>", /* route ID */
"i":"<text>", /* number [0..] */
"m":"<text>", /* mileage from the previous point according to the plan, m */
"t":"<text>", /* time from the previous point according to the plan, s */
"ndt":<uint>, /* time within which the customer should be notified before the estimated delivery time, s */
"vt":"<text>" /* visit time according to the plan, UNIX_TIME */
"rp":"<text>", /* order route, google polyline encoding format */
"f":<uint>, /* order flags */
"tf":<uint>, /* lower bound of order completion time, UNIX-time */
"tt":<uint>, /* upper bound of order completion time, UNIX-time */
"trt":<uint>, /* acceptable time of advancing the schedule, s */
"uid":<uint>, /* unique ID (is used as the unique key in the order history) */
"r":<uint>, /* order point radius, m */
"y":<double>, /* order point latitude */
"x":<double>, /* order point longitude */
"u":<long>, /* unit ID */
"s":<uint>, /* order status: 0 - inactive (no unit assigned), 1 - active, 2 - completed on time, 3 - completed late, 4 rejected, 5 - the unit is in the order area */
"sf":<uint>, /* order status flag (0x100 - rejected, 0x200 - confirmed, 0x400 - received a notification about the order) */
"st":<uint>, /* last status modification time */
"tz":<uint>, /* user time stamp */
"eta":<uint>, /* ETA calculated every 180 seconds by routing (or considering the route as a straight line) if there is the next order and an activated notification about ETA/mileage(RD) */
"rd":<double>, /* mileage */
"cnm":<uint>, /* mileage counter from the unit properties */
"nt":<uint>, /* next_time, stands for the time when the orders received the status 'next' */
"ds":<uint>, /* completion status, an integer is passed in the 'confirm' parameter, for example, % */
"dp":<uint>, /* list of order UIDs on which the current order depends: the current order can't be completed until the listed orders are completed first */
"stt":<uint>, /* start_transfer_time, stands for the arrival time */
"dtt":<uint>, /* done_transfer_time, stands for the exit time */
"if":<uint> /* internal_flags, see the description below */
<uint> /* updated order ID */
<uint>, /* deleted order ID */
{ } /* success */
"error":4 /* if failed to assign */
Internal flags
The internal flags should be passed in the if field in JSON. They are as follows:
Value | Description |
0x1 | The order is being delivered. |
0x2 | The driver has been notified about a deviation from the route. |
0x4 | The driver has been notified that the order hasn’t been confirmed. |
0x10 | The client has been notified about the estimated time of arrival. |
0x20 | The client has been notified what distance is left to the delivery point. |
Error codes
Error code | Description |
7 | Couldn’t fetch the resource or unit issue. See the reason in the response. |
6 | Couldn’t update the specified route. Make sure the provided route ID is correct. |
4 | Invalid call mode or incorrect provided data. |