The server may return JSON with errors:
Error code | Description | Alternatives |
-100 | Internal error (network timeout). | |
-101 | Internal error (wrong network response). | |
0 | Successful operation (for example, for logging out it will be a successful exit). | |
1 | Invalid session. | |
2 | Invalid API service name. | No messages for the selected interval. |
3 | Invalid result. | Type library plugin not enabled. AVL Server item not found. File not found. |
4 | Invalid input. | Invalid session. Item not found. Unknown error. Internal error. |
5 | Error performing request. | |
6 | Unknown error. | The authorization server is unavailable, please try again later. Internal error. Failed to parse the remote response. Invalid session (agro/convert_plots). |
7 | Access denied. | The user is disabled. Invalid username or password. Error checking the cluster of the current user. Internal server error. Unknown error. |
8 | Invalid username or password. | |
9 | Authorization server unavailable. | |
10 | Reached the limit of concurrent requests. | Limit of simultaneous recalculations (5 recalculations) reached. |
11 | Password reset error. | |
12 | Agro subsystem not loaded. | |
14 | Billing error. | |
1001 | No messages for the selected interval. | |
1002 | Indicates either of the two errors:
| |
1003 | Only one request is allowed at the moment. | Locker service unavailable. Limit exсeeded. Limit of concurrent events reached. Failed to create a new session. Accept-encoding is not gzip. Limit of message layers reached. LAYERS_MAX_COUNT(50) exceeded. |
1004 | The limit of messages has been exceeded. | The file size exceeds the maximum size of 1 GB. |
1005 | The execution time has exceeded the limit. | Wrong hardware configuration. |
1006 | Exceeded the limit of attempts to enter a two-factor authorization code. | |
1011 | Your IP has changed, or the session has expired. | |
2001 | Wrong item or target_resource. | |
2002 | The target_resource is not an account. | |
2003 | Wrong target plugin. | |
2004 | The target account is blocked. | |
2005 | Invalid creator of the target_resource. | |
2006 | No access to the item for the target_creator. | |
2007 | Wrong source resource. | |
2008 | The item is already in the target_resource. | |
2009 | The target_resource is owned by a different top user. | |
2010 | There is not enough item resource counter in the target_resource. | |
2011 | Wrong item plugin. | |
2012 | Error changing the billing account item to target_resource. | |
2013 | Error changing the item creator. | |
2014 | The selected user is the creator of some system objects, therefore, this user can't be assigned to a new account. | |
2015 | Deleting the sensor is forbidden because it is used in another sensor or advanced unit properties. |