In order to use optimization when planning the route and distributing orders, use order/optimize:
"pf":{<uint> || {JSON}},
"pt":{<uint> || {JSON}
The required parameters are marked with an asterisk (*).
Parameter | Description |
itemId* | Resource ID. |
orders* | Optimized order array (order indexes/order JSON delimited with a comma). |
warehouses | Warehouse array. |
flags* | Optimization flags. |
gis | GIS settings. |
busyRoutes | Busy period. |
tf | Busy period start time. |
tt | Busy period end time. |
pf | Busy period start location: order ID or JSON. |
pt | Busy period end location: order ID or JSON. |
provider | Map source: 0 - none, 1 - Gurtam Maps (default), 2 - Google. |
mode | Mode of transportation: driving, walking, bicycling, or transit (only for Google). |
avoid | Route restrictions: tolls, highways, ferries and/or indoor (only for Google). |
departure_time | Planned time of departure (only for Google). |
traffic_model | Assumptions: best guess, pessimistic, or optimistic (only for Google). |
transit_mode | Preferred modes: bus, subway, train, tram and/or rail (only for Google). |
transit_routing_preference | Preferences for transit requests (only for Google). |
addPoints | Return a track in the response: 1 - yes, 0 - no. |
speed | Speed which should be used for optimization, km/h (60 by default). |
units | Unit array. |
priority | Sequence of orders: {unit index:{order index:expected index of order in a route}} The index equal to -1 makes the order be the last in the route. |
criterions | Route completion criteria:
preference | Order priority in the route. |
The JSON format is the same as in the update request.
You can find further information about the Google settings here.
Flag | Description |
0x1 | Optimize by order schedule. The order tf and tt parameters are used. |
0x2 | Optimize by completion duration of all orders. |
0x20 | Optimize by carrying capacity (weight). |
0x40 | Optimize by effective capacity (volume). |
0x80 | Optimize only orders with tt > current time. If tf < current time, then tf = current time. |
If the criteria are exceeded:
0x100 | The route is terminated. |
0x200 | An intermediate warehouse is visited. |
0x300 | The route is divided into several routes. |
"1":{ /* optimization for the first unit */
"ml":<uint>, /* mileage */
"tm":<uint>, /* time to visit the order area */
"id":<uint> /* order index in the array sent in the request (starts from 0) */
"ml":<uint>, /* mileage */
"tm":<uint>, /* time to visit the order area */
"id":<uint> /* order index in the array sent in the request (starts from 0) */
"2":{ /* optimization for the second unit (if the number of units is greater than one) */
"ml":<uint>, /* mileage */
"tm":<uint>, /* time to visit order area */
"id":<uint> /* order index in the array sent in the request (starts from 0) */
"ml":<uint>, /* mileage */
"tm":<uint>, /* time to visit the order area */
"id":<uint> /* order index in the array sent in the request (starts from 0) */
..., /* optimization for other units (if the number of units is greater than two) */
"success":<bool> /* optimization status:
1 - success (there is a solution which meets all the requirements),
0 - failed */
If only warehouse orders have been assigned to the unit (the 0x4 flag), it will not appear in the response.
If the route is divided into several routes, there will be a route array in the response.
Error codes
Error code | Description |
7 | Invalid itemId. |
6 | Internal error. |
4 | Logic error. See the reason in the response for more information. |