The add_log_record function is used to add a log record.
Name | Description |
itemId | Item ID. |
action | Action. See the list of available actions below. |
newValue | New value. |
oldValue | Old value. |
The available actions are:
Action ID | Action | Action text |
custom_msg | Manual record | Manual record: '%s'. |
create_unit | Item creation | Unit '%s' created. |
update_name | Name change | Name changed from '%s' to '%s'. |
update_access | Access change | Access to *** '%s' changed (*** stands for user, unit, unit group, resource, route, or user acces rights). |
update_unit_icon | Icon change | Unit icon changed. |
update_unit_pass | Access password change | Access password changed. |
update_unit_phone | Phone number change | Phone number changed from '%s' to '%s'. |
update_unit_phone2 | Phone number change | Second phone number changed from '%s' to '%s'. |
update_unit_calcflags (updating the sensor calculation settings) | Counters | Calculation flags changed. |
update_unit_drat (driver activity) | Report settings | Driver activity source changed. |
update_unit_milcounter | Counters | Mileage counter changed from %d %s to %d %s. |
update_unit_bytecounter (updating the value of the the GPRS traffic counter) | Counters | GPRS traffic counter changed from %d KB to %d KB. |
update_unit_ehcounter | Counters | Engine hours counter changed from %.2f h to %.2f h. |
update_unit_uid | Unique ID change | Unique ID changed from '%s' to '%s'. |
update_unit_uid2 | Unique ID change | Second unique ID changed from '%s' to '%s'. |
update_unit_hw | Device change | Device type changed from '%s' to '%s'. |
update_unit_hw_cfg | Device change | Device configuration changed. |
update_unit_fuel_cfg | Report settings | Fuel consumption settings changed. |
update_unit_trip_cfg | Report settings | Trip detector settings changed. |
create_sensor | Sensors | Sensor '%s' created. |
update_sensor | Sensors | Sensor '%s' modified. |
delete_sensor | Sensors | Sensor '%s' deleted. |
create_alias | Commands | Command '%s' created. |
update_alias | Commands | Command '%s' modified. |
delete_alias | Commands | Command '%s' deleted. |
create_service_interval | Service intervals | Service interval '%s' created. |
update_service_interval | Service intervals | Service interval '%s' modified. |
delete_service_interval | Service intervals | Service interval '%s' deleted. |
create_custom_field | Fields | Custom field '%s' created. |
update_custom_field | Fields | Custom field '%s' modified. |
delete_custom_field | Fields | Custom field '%s' deleted. |
create_admin_field | Fields | Admin field '%s' created. |
update_admin_field | Fields | Admin field '%s' modified. |
delete_admin_field | Fields | Admin field '%s' deleted. |
update_profile_field | Fields | Profile field '%s' modified. |
delete_profile_field | Fields | Profile field '%s' deleted. |
import_item_cfg | Import | Properties imported. |
import_unit_cfg | Import | Properties imported. |
export_unit_msgs | Export | Messages exported. |
import_unit_msgs | Import | Messages imported. |
delete_unit_msg | Message deletion | Deleted *** message dated %s (*** stands for SMS, command, event, or data). |
delete_unit_msgs | Message deletion | Deleted %s *** messages (*** stands for SMS, command, event, or data). |
bind_unit_driver | Drivers | Driver '%s' was assigned at '%s'. |
unbind_unit_driver | Drivers | Driver '%s' was separated at '%s'. |
bind_unit_tag | Passengers | Passenger '%s' was assigned at '%s'. |
unbind_unit_tag | Passengers | Passenger '%s' was separated at '%s'. |
bind_unit_trailer | Trailers | Trailer '%s' was assigned at '%s'. |
unbind_unit_trailer | Trailers | Trailer '%s' was separated at '%s'. |
update_unit_report_cfg (updating the parameters used in reports) | Report settings | Unit report settings changed. |
update_msgs_filter_cfg (updating the filtration settings of the unit location in messages) | Report settings | Message filtration settings changed. |
delete_item | Item deletion | Item '%s' deleted. |
create_user | Item creation | User '%s' created. |
update_hosts_mask | User settings | Host mask changed to '%s'. |
update_user_pass | User settings | User password changed. |
update_user_flags | User settings | User flags changed. |
update_user_locale | User settings | First day of week changed. |
create_user_notify | User settings | Notice to the user: '%s'. |
delete_user_notify | User settings | User notification '%s' deleted. |
create_group | Item creation | Unit group '%s' created. |
units_group (adding/removing units to/from a unit group) | Change of group members |
update_driver_units (updating the list of drivers that should be assigned to units automatically) | Change of group members |
update_trailer_units (updating the list of trailers that should be assigned to units automatically) | Change of group members |
create_resource | Item creation | Resource '%s' created. |
create_zone | Geofences | Geofence '%s' created. |
update_zone | Geofences | Geofence '%s' updated. |
delete_zone | Geofences | Geofence '%s' deleted. |
update_track_color_setting | Tracks |
create_job | Jobs | Job '%s' created. |
switch_job | Jobs | Job '%s' switched on/off. |
update_job | Jobs | Job '%s' updated. |
delete_job | Jobs | Job '%s' deleted. |
create_notify | Notifications | Notification '%s' created. |
switch_notify | Notifications | Notification '%s' switched on/off. |
update_notify | Notifications | Notification '%s' updated. |
delete_notify | Notifications | Notification '%s' deleted. |
create_driver | Drivers | Driver '%s' created. |
update_driver | Drivers | Driver '%s' updated. |
delete_driver | Drivers | Driver '%s' deleted. |
create_trailer | Trailers | Trailer '%s' created. |
update_trailer | Trailers | Trailer '%s' updated. |
delete_trailer | Trailers | Trailer '%s' deleted. |
create_drivers_group | Drivers | Group of drivers '%s' created. |
update_drivers_group | Drivers | Group of drivers '%s' updated. |
delete_drivers_group | Drivers | Group of drivers '%s' deleted. |
create_trailers_group | Trailers | Group of trailers '%s' created. |
update_trailers_group | Trailers | Group of trailers '%s' updated. |
delete_trailers_group | Trailers | Group of trailers '%s' deleted. |
create_report | Report templates | Report template '%s' created. |
update_report | Report templates | Report template '%s' updated. |
delete_report | Report templates | Report template '%s' deleted. |
import_zones | Geofences | Geofences imported. |
create_retranslator | Retranslators | Retranslator '%s' created. |
update_retranslator | Retranslators | Properties updated. |
units_retranslator | Retranslators | Units updated. |
switch_retranslator | Retranslators | Started/Stopped. |
msgs_history_retranslator | Retranslators | Past period retranslator started/stopped. |
create_route | Routes | Route '%s' created. |
update_route_points | Routes | Check points updated. |
update_route_cfg | Routes | Properties updated. |
create_round | Routes | Ride '%s' created. |
update_round | Routes | Ride '%s' updated. |
delete_round | Routes | Ride '%s' deleted. |
create_schedule | Routes | Schedule '%s' created. |
update_schedule | Routes | Schedule '%s' updated. |
delete_schedule | Routes | Schedule '%s' deleted. |
create_account | Item creation | Account '%s' created. |
delete_account | Item deletion | Account '%s' deleted. |
change_account | Account | Account changed from '%s' to '%s'. |
switch_account | Account | Account blocked/unblocked. |
update_dealer_rights | Account | Dealer rights enabled/disabled. |
do_payment | Account | Payment or days registered. |
update_account_flags | Account | Account flags changed. |
update_account_block_balance | Account | Balance to block account changed. |
update_account_deny_balance | Account | Balance to limit activity changed. |
update_account_min_days | Account | Minimum days counter changed. |
update_account_plan | Account | Billing plan changed to '%s'. |
update_account_history_period | Account | History period changed to '%s'. |
update_account_subplans | Account | List of subplans changed. |
update_service | Account | Service '%s' updated. |
delete_driver_msg | Drivers | Message dated %s from driver '%s' deleted. |
delete_trailer_msg | Trailers | Message dated %s from trailer '%s' deleted. |
convert_measure_units | Report settings |
delete_zones_group | Geofences | Group of geofences deleted. |
create_zones_group | Geofences | Group of geofences '%s' created. |
update_zones_group | Geofences | Group of geofences '%s' updated. |
trailer_reset_image | Trailers | Trailer '%s' updated. |
driver_reset_image | Drivers | Driver '%s' updated. |
zone_reset_image | Geofences | Geofence '%s' updated. |
create_order | Orders | Order '%s' created. |
update_order | Orders | Order '%s' updated. |
delete_order | Orders | Order '%s' deleted. |
create_order_route | Orders | Order route '%s' created. |
update_order_route | Orders | Order route '%s' updated. |
delete_order_route | Orders | Order route '%s' deleted. |
create_tag | Tags | Passenger '%s' created. |
update_tag | Tags | Passenger '%s' updated. |
tag_reset_image | Tags | Passenger '%s' updated. |
delete_tag | Tags | Passenger '%s' deleted. |
delete_tag_msg | Tags | Message dated %s from passenger '%s' deleted. |
update_tag_units | Tags | Automatic assignment list of passengers updated. |
criteria_updated | Criteria | Criteria updated. |
set_active | Deactivation |
Returned result
If the request is successful, an empty JSON is returned.
{ }
If not, an error code is returned. Possible error codes:
Code | Description |
7 | Failed to fetch the resource with the desired ACL (ADF_ACL_ITEM_MANAGE_LOG). |
4 | Wrong input parameters. |