The select_result_rows function is used to get rows in multilevel reports.
Name | Description |
tableIndex | Table index. |
config | Configuration. |
type | The request type:
data | The data for the configuration. |
If the type parameter is range, the data parameter has the following format:
Option | Description |
from | The index of the first row. |
to | The index of the last row. |
level | Nesting level. |
flat | Show the nesting level on the same level with the parent row:
The parameter is optional. The default value is 0. |
rawValues | Show the parameters v, vt:
The parameter is optional. The default value is 0. |
unitInfo | Show uid:
The parameter is optional. The default value is 0. |
If the type parameter is row, the data parameter has the following format:
Option | Description |
rows | The index of the row. You can indicate the index of a nested row to up to next-to-last nesting level. |
level | Nesting level. |
flat | Show the nesting level on the same level with the parent row:
The parameter is optional. The default value is 0. |
from | The index of the first nested row (optional). |
to | The index of the last nested row (optional). |
rawValues | Show the raw values data:
The parameter is optional. The default value is 0. |
unitInfo | Show uid:
The parameter is optional. The default value is 0. |
Returned result
"n":<uint>, /* row index (from 0) */
"i1":<uint>, /* the number of the first message in the specified interval */
"i2":<uint>, /* the number of the last message in the specified interval */
"t1":<uint>, /* the time of the first message in the specified interval */
"t2":<uint>, /* the time of the last message in the specified interval */
"d":<int>, /* the quantity of the rows with the next nesting level */
"uid":<long>, /* unit ID; only if unitInfo is set to 1 */
"c":[ /* the array of cells */
{ /* common cell type */
"t":"<text>", /* formatted cell value */
"v":<double>, /* original cell value */
"vt":<double>, /* value type */
"pi": { /* property items */
"t":"<text>", /* property items type */
"ids": [ /* the array of property item IDs */
"y":<double>, /* latitude */
"x":<double>, /* longitude */
"c":"<text>" /* cell colour (only if cell has a colour) in "RRGGBB" format */
{ /* cell type: video or image */
"t":"<text>", /* cell value text */
"j":<JSON>, /* cell value in JSON format */
"v":<double>, /* cell value */
"vt":<int> /* cell value type */
"r":[ /* holds the subrows which correspond to the requested nesting level */
{ /* the set of fields of the row will be the same as that of the parent row */
The value types are described here.
Possible error codes:
Code | Description |
7 | Failed to fetch the report library. |
6 | Failed to fetch the user. |
5 | Report file reading/writing error. |
4 | Wrong input parameters. |