To obtain the fuel consumption settings of a unit, use the unit/get_fuel_settings command.
The request must contain the itemId parameter, which specifies the unit ID.
If the request is completed successfully, the response contains the fuel consumption settings.
"calcTypes": <uint>, /* Method of calculating fuel consumption (see below) */
"fuelLevelParams": { /* Detection of fuel fillings and drains */
"flags": <uint>, /* Flags for detecting fillings and drains (see below) */
"ignoreStayTimeout": <uint>, /* Ignore messages after the start of motion (seconds) */
"minFillingVolume": <double>, /* Minimum fuel filling volume (liters) */
"minTheftTimeout": <uint>, /* Minimum idle time to detect a fuel drain (seconds) */
"minTheftVolume": <double>, /* Minimum fuel drain volume (liters) */
"filterQuality": <ubyte>, /* Filtering level (range: 0-255) */
"fillingsJoinInterval": <uint>, /* Timeout to separate consecutive fillings (seconds) */
"theftsJoinInterval": <uint>, /* Timeout to separate consecutive drains (seconds) */
"extraFillingTimeout": <uint> /* Timeout to detect the final filling volume (seconds) */
"fuelConsMath": { /* Fuel consumption calculation by mathematical formulas */
"idling": <double>, /* Idling fuel consumption (liters per hour) */
"urban": <double>, /* Urban cycle consumption (liters per 100 km) */
"suburban": <double> /* Suburban cycle consumption (liters per 100 km) */
"fuelConsRates": { /* Fuel consumption by seasonal rates */
"consSummer": <double>, /* Summer consumption (liters per 100 km) */
"consWinter": <double>, /* Winter consumption (liters per 100 km) */
"winterMonthFrom": <uint>, /* Start of winter period (month: 0-11) */
"winterDayFrom": <uint>, /* Start of winter period (day: 1-31) */
"winterMonthTo": <uint>, /* End of winter period (month: 0-11) */
"winterDayTo": <uint> /* End of winter period (day: 1-31) */
"fuelConsImpulse": { /* Impulse fuel consumption sensors */
"maxImpulses": <uint>, /* Maximum number of impulses */
"skipZero": <uint> /* Skip the first zero value */
Method of calculating fuel consumption:
Flag | Description |
0x0 | Do not use fuel consumption in reports. |
0x01 | Calculate consumption mathematically. |
0x02 | Fuel level sensors. |
0x04 | Replace invalid values with those calculated mathematically. |
0x08 | Absolute fuel consumption sensors. |
0x10 | Impulse fuel consumption sensors. |
0x20 | Instant fuel consumption sensors. |
0x40 | Consumption by rates. |
Flags of fuel fillings and drains:
Flag | Description |
0x01 | Merge values of fuel level sensors with the same name. |
0x02 | Filter values of fuel level sensors. |
0x04 | Merge values of fuel consumption sensors with the same name. |
0x08 | Detect fuel fillings only during stops. |
0x10 | Calculate fuel consumption by time. |
0x40 | Ignore sensor filtering when calculating the amount of filled fuel. |
0x80 | Ignore sensor filtering when calculating the amount of drained fuel. |
0x100 | Detect fuel drains in motion. |
0x1000 | Replace invalid values with those calculated mathematically. |
0x2000 | Return default fuel settings if configured (adaptive and median filtering). |
0x4000 | Adaptive filtering. |
If the request fails, the response contains error code 7, indicating that the user doesn’t have the required access right to the unit (ADF_ACL_ITEM_VIEW).