The get_result_chart function is used to get a chart.
You can't execute this request simultaneously with the following requests:
Name | Description |
attachmentIndex | Attachment index. |
action | Actions:
width | Width. |
height | Height. |
autoScaleY | Automatic scale of the Y axis:
pixelFrom | Zoom: from the current pixel. |
pixelTo | Zoom: to the current pixel. |
flags | Chart flags. |
Chart flags:
Flag | Description |
0x01 | Place the header above the chart. |
0x02 | Place the header under the chart. |
0x04 | Don't show the header. |
0x40 | Set the X-axis captions direction from up to down. |
0x80 | Set the X-axis captions direction from down to up. |
0x100 | Place the chart legend above the chart. |
0x200 | Place the chart legend under the chart. |
0x400 | Place the chart legend to the left of the chart. |
0x800 | Place the chart legend to the right of the chart. |
0x1000 | Always show the legend, even in case of one dataset. |
Returned result
The returned result contains a PNG image.