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  • report_templates
  • tables
  • calculator
  • report_contents

To add a table to the report template, click on the New table button on the Report Contents tab of its properties.

In the New table dialog, specify the name and type.

Columns selection

The set of available table types differs depending on the selected type of the report template. The list of tables and their description are presented in the chapters below.

Each type of table has its own set of columns which can be included in it. The list of available ones is shown on the Columns tab after selecting the type of table. To quickly find the required one, you can use a dynamic filter. Select the ones you want to see in the report. To select all the columns, press the Ctrl button and click on any unselected column. Removing a selection from all the columns works in the same way. The identical principle is used in the settings of the reports, where geofences, events, etc. should be selected.

To change the name of the column, click on it with the left mouse button and edit the text. To return the original name of the column, click on the Default icon (the icon is inactive if the name has not been changed).

What is more, the order of the columns can be changed as well. To do this, drag the icon of the double arrow , located to the left of the name of the desired column, up or down.

Some alternative types of reports are available as apps:

  • iDriveSafe — evaluation of the quality of driving;
  • Dashboard — presentation of key indicators of fleet efficiency in a graphical form.

Any number of tables can be added to the template, and the same table can be added to the report several times with different column configurations, data grouping settings, etc.


The calculator is available in all the tables except for Images, Video, and Statistics. It allows adding custom columns. To the left of the column names, you can see their indexes (C0, C1, C2 … CN). The indexes do not change regardless of the position of the column in the list.

To add a custom column to the table, click on the Add calculator button and specify the formula for calculating the value in the column. To do this, you can use:

  • indexes of other columns (indicate them manually or click on the necessary ones in the list);

  • unit parameters: consumption by rates (rcoef), daily engine hours rate (dehr), mileage coefficient (mcoef), unique ID (imei);

  • profile properties of the unit formatted as profile_field(index);

  • custom fields formatted as custom_field(name);

  • constant values formatted as constX;

  • signs +, -, *, /, () for mathematical operations.

Thus, a formula can look, for example, as follows: (С1+С2+С7)*const1.5/rcoef.

You can select the unit parameters and profile properties in the menu that opens when pointing to the '(…)' in the Formula field.

You cannot use the unique ID and profile properties in the formula together with other components. Otherwise, a dash is displayed in the custom column in the report.

To display a custom field value in a custom column, type custom_field(field name) in the Formula field. Instead of the name, you can use its mask. If the names of several custom fields correspond to the indicated mask, the report shows the value of the field that comes first in the list of custom fields in the properties of the object.

If the custom field value is indicated in numbers (without the unit of measurement), you can use it in the formula together with other components. With another type of custom field values, a dash is displayed in the custom column in the report.

Next, type the unit of measurement (up to 10 characters) in the field to the right and click OK. The custom column automatically goes to the top of the list. However, you can change its position in the standard way if necessary. Such columns are highlighted in blue and do not have an index.

For time intervals, seconds are used as a unit of measurement in the calculator.

To edit the name, formula, or unit of measurement for the created column, click in the necessary field and make the changes. Click anywhere in the dialog box to confirm the changes.

The value of the custom column in the Total row is calculated in the same way as for other rows, that is, in accordance with the specified formula that uses the values of the column.

Table settings

For each table, in addition to selecting columns, there are additional settings, located in the same-name tab.

The tab is divided into three sections:

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