
To work with counters, full access to the unit is required.

On the General tab, apart from other properties, you can configure the mileage and engine hours counters.

Mileage counter

You can select one of the following mileage calculation methods:


Calculation based on GPS coordinates (possible for any unit).

When calculating the mileage, an altitude value is not taken into account if the difference between this value and the one from the following message exceeds 500 meters.

Mileage sensor

Not applied in the system.
Relative odometerNot applied in the system.
GPS + engine ignition sensorCalculation based on GPS coordinates and the readings of the ignition sensor.
If a sensor (including a validation sensor) needs a parameter from the previous message, such a sensor cannot be used as a method of mileage calculation.

The selected calculation method influences the data in reports (mileage, duration), tracks (mileage). If the selected method is based on a sensor which is not configured for the unit, the mileage values are equal to zero.

Engine hours counter

The counter of engine hours calculates the working time based on the following sensors:

  • engine ignition sensor;

  • sensor of absolute engine hours (not applied in the system);

  • sensor of relative engine hours (not applied in the system).

The counter values are indicated in hours, therefore, you can use fractional values rounded to the nearest hundredths. Use a point as a separator.

If a sensor (including a validation sensor) needs a parameter from the previous message, such a sensor cannot be used as the method of calculating engine hours.

The counter of engine hours is used in the Geofefences report table.

Counter values

In the Current value field opposite each counter, you can specify the value from which mileage and engine hours should be calculated. Enable the Auto option to the right of the field in order for new data to be added to this value automatically.

To reset counter values manually, type 0 in the Current value field.

The values of engine hours and mileage counters can be shown in the unit tooltip and in the extended unit information.

The Timeout option from the sensor properties and the Maximum interval between messages option from the Advanced tab are taken into account only in reports and don’t work for counters online.
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See also