
On this page, you can observe different kinds of logs kept in the system. The last hundred messages are available for (in parentheses you can see their physical location on your server):

  • Wialon Local logs (/home/wialon/wlocal/logs/trace.log*);
  • Wialon Local errors (/home/wialon/wlocal/logs/error.log*);
  • Nginx logs (/var/log/nginx/error.log*);
  • System logs (/home/wialon/wlocal/logs);
  • Wialon Local logs of the administration site (/home/wialon/wlocal/logs/lcm/lcm.log*).

New messages are added to the bottom.

In the upper right corner, there is a dynamic filter that allows sorting the log’s contents according to the introduced value (corresponds to the grep utility).

You can also adjust the number of lines shown in the log. To do this, enter the necessary number in the line Messages cont below (corresponds to the tail utility).

It is possible to stop or start the log using the buttons and , respectively. If the log is stopped, the two options described above cannot be applied to it.

The system checks for errors once an hour, and if there are any, a report is sent to the administrator (whose email is adjusted on the System tab).

A system administrator also has access to the following additional logs in the console:

  • Logs of the access to web and cms (/var/log/nginx/*).
  • Logs of the mail system if the SMTP is not adjusted (/var/log/mail.log*).
  • Wialon Local logs without users’ work, that is automatic processes only (/home/wialon/wlocal/logs/service.log*).
  • Logs of working with the hardware (/home/wialon/wlocal/logs/). You can see the contents of a log using the command cat. As a rule, you can understand which log to what type of hardware belongs. For example, from the contents of the log 2016/05/02 06:25:13:284: Received GPRS message from unknown unit (Wialon Retranslator): ID: 123456789000121 you can see that Wialon Retranslator is used as a hardware type.
  • Logs of the administrator of the website (/home/wialon/wlocal/logs/lcm/*). These logs are divided into general, errors and messages about restarts and sessions.

All the logs are rotated by means of the preinstalled and adjusted logrotate. By default, the previous 10 days of logs are stored, but it is possible to enlarge this period by means of changing the corresponding configuration file in the directory /etc/logrotate.d/ (replace rotate 10 with the value you need). For instance, for Wialon Local logs that is /etc/logrotate.d/wlocal. After you have changed the file, update the configuration using the command logrotate -f -v /etc/logrotate.d/$filename$, where $filename$ is the name of the file you have changed.

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