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  • tables
  • events

All events registered by the system (including violations) can be shown in the report on events.

Possible ways to register events and assignable types:

Registration methodEvent type

Using notifications if the method of delivery is Register event for unit

Custom event, violation (if the Register as violation option is activated)

Manually using the events registrar

Custom event, violation (if the Violation option  is activated), unit status, fuel filling, maintenance work

Save, reset, change the values of counters with the help of the corresponding jobs or notifications

Mileage accounting, engine hours accounting, GPRS traffic accounting

Manually using custom events registered from the online notifications window

Custom event, violation (if the Violation option  is activated)

Automatically, upon completing a route by the unit

Route progress

In the table settings, you can find a filter by event text. Specify the mask to which the event text should correspond to include this event in the report.

The table can contain the columns listed below.

Event timeThe time when the event happened.
Time receivedThe time when the server received the data.
Event textThe text that was specified when creating a notification or when registering an event manually.
LocationThe location of the unit at the moment of the event. If the event is registered manually, the unit's location is detected on the basis of messages received upon event registration. The same is true for the events registered by storing counters' values in the unit properties.
DriverThe name of the driver (if identified).
CountThe count of events.
Notification textThe text available upon registering an event from an online notifications window.
NotesAn empty column for your custom comments.

Besides, you can use special markers for this report: a green flag stands for an event, a red flag — for a violation. In the tooltip, you can find detailed information. You can add the markers of events and violations by activating the option Event markers in the settings of the report template (Map output section).

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