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Notification Types
  • notifications

There are different conditions for triggering notifications.


To configure a notification about speed violations, select the control type: fixed speed limit or road speed limits. For the Fixed speed limit type, specify the range of the allowed speed. For the Road speed limits type, specify the allowed speeding.

If the Trigger if there is no assigned driver option is enabled, the notification triggers when the conditions indicated for the control type are met and no driver is assigned to the unit.

A sensor value can be another condition of notification triggering. Configuring this option is similar to the notification of the same name.


Below are the steps to configure a notification of the Geofence type.

  1. Select when the notification should be triggered:
    • when the unit enters the geofence (Inside geofence);
    • when the unit leaves the geofence (Outside geofence).
  2. Select the resource whose geofences should be displayed in the list (select All available to view the geofences of all available resources).
  3. In the left list, select the geofences or groups of geofences (displayed in square brackets) for which the notification should be triggered. You can use the dynamic filter above the list to search.
  4. Using the icon , move the items from the left list to the right one.

  5. In the Advanced options section, if necessary, specify the additional conditions under which the notification should be triggered. It can be the range of speed values (the Speed option), and/or the range or the difference of the selected sensor values (the Sensor value option).
  6. Select the logical operator on the basis of which the notification should be triggered if several geofences are selected. The OR and AND operators are available.

Logical operators for a unit inside the geofence

Logical operatorDescription
ORThe notification is triggered when the unit enters any of the selected geofences.
ANDThe notification is triggered when the unit is in all the selected geofences at the same time.

Logical operators for a unit outside the geofence

Logical operatorDescription
ORThe notification is triggered when the unit leaves any of the selected geofences if it previously has been in all of them at the same time.
ANDThe notification is triggered when the unit leaves all the selected geofences.

Alarm (SOS)

To receive notifications of this type, the device being used should support sending alarm messages or a sensor of the Alarm trigger type should be configured in the unit properties.

For more information about the devices, go to the wialon.com website.

Digital input

Specify the number of digital input and the control type: trigger in case of its activation or deactivation. If the message does not have the I/O parameter, the io_n parameter is analysed.

Parameter in a message

This type of notification helps to trace the parameters in the messages. The controlled parameter must be real, that is, sent by the equipment. Virtual parameters, such as speed, alt, sats, etc. cannot be controlled by this type of notification.

Four control types are provided: value range, text mask, parameter availability, and parameter lack. Only real parameters, i.e. sent by the device itself can be considered whereas virtual parameters such as speed, altitude, sats (satellites) etc. cannot be controlled by this type of notification.

To control Value range, specify the parameter name, define the minimum and maximum values for it, and select whether to trigger in the specified range or out of it. If you need to get notifications for all parameters except 0, select a value range from 0 to 0 and select the trigger type Out of specified range.

To control text, enter the parameter name and Text mask using wildcard symbols (? and *).

For such types of control as the Parameter availability and Parameter lack, it is sufficient to indicate the parameter name. For the notification to work for the parameter appearance and disappearance, on the last page of the dialog select the Generate notification only when state changed option.

For the in and out parameters, it is possible to control only the parameter availability/lack.

Sensor value

With this type of notification, you can control either the sensor getting some undesirable value (Value range) or an abrupt significant change in the sensor value (Value leap). To specify the sensors which should be controlled by the notification, select the sensor type in the dropdown list or set the name mask using wildcard symbols (* and ?). Both methods can be used simultaneously. If several sensors that meet these conditions (same type or name mask, or both) are found, their values can be summed or calculated individually — select the corresponding option. Then enter the minimum and maximum values and select the control type: trigger in the specified range or out of it.

If you control the value leap, enter a delta. The notification triggers when the delta is exceeded. Note that the indicated delta is compared to the module of the delta of values.

Connection loss

The notification can trigger when the connection is lost or restored. Select the required option in the Notification section. You can select both options at once.

Then select the control type.

Control typeDescription
No coordinatesThere are also cases when all sensors are active and their values are known, but it is impossible to locate the unit (for example, someone has covered the GPS aerial).
No dataIt can be a simple connection loss when no messages are received from the unit during a period of time.

Set the loss time of data/coordinates (in minutes), after which the notification should trigger.

Using the Geofences option, you can monitor connection loss in regards to specific geofences or groups of geofences. Specify the control type: trigger inside or outside a geofence. Select the resource whose geofences should be shown in the list (select All available to view the geofences of all available resources). Select the geofences or groups of geofences (shown in the square brackets), for which this notification should work.

Note that the geofences should be created in advance. For the search convenience, you can use the dynamic filters above the lists.

Off time

A notification of this type is used to monitor vehicle off time.

In the Max allowed off time field, you should specify for how long a vehicle can be parked; and in the Speed, no more than field, you should indicate what speed shouldn't be exceeded during off time.

The maximum value for the Max allowed off time field is 47 hours 59 minutes.

To avoid situations where the notification is triggered because of the device inaccuracy, it is advisable to specify a speed value of more than 0 km/h, for example, 1—5 km/h.

If the Sensor value option is activated, the notification is triggered only if all the specified conditions are met: off time duration, speed, and the sensor value. For example, you can receive notifications when the unit is parked with the engine or attachments running. This option is configured in the same way as the notification type of the same name.

Also, whether the unit is inside or outside a certain geofence can be an additional condition for triggereng the notification. For this purpose, enable the Geofence option and configure the settings described in steps 1—4 in the same-name notification type. 


You can receive a notification when an SMS message arrives. To specify which SMS messages you are interested in, enter a mask for the message text. This feature can be useful, for example, when a device sends SMS of certain content in case of malfunction.

Interposition of units

This notification allows you to control the interposition of units: their approaching and moving away from each other. Select the criterion (approaching or moving away) and transfer from the left list to the right one the units whose approaching or moving away should trigger the notification. You can use the dynamic filter above the list to search.

Specify the settings described below.

Radius, mThe distance between the units with decreasing or increasing of which the notification should be triggered.
Advanced optionsFilters for speed and sensor value.
Logical operatorThe value on the basis of which the notification is triggered. If OR is selected, the notification is triggered when the unit approaches or moves away from any of the selected units. If the logical operator AND is selected, the notification is triggered when the unit approaches or moves away simultaneously from the marked units.

The interposition of units is checked by the system using the latest messages only.


This type of notification is similar to geofence control. It allows you to control the entrance/exit or being in or out of a particular place. Enter some address parameters (e.g. city, street, and house) and then select the most appropriate option from the found addresses. Also, specify the radius of the point. In addition, filters for the sensor and speed can be applied.

Excess of messages

With this type of notification, you can be warned if a unit exceeds the limit of messages you have set. This can be either ordinary data messages or only SMS messages. Indicate the limit of messages and set the reset interval. For example, if you configure a notification, as shown in the example below, the notification will trigger if the unit sends 3 or more SMS messages within 1 hour 10 minutes.

Fuel filling

This notification type allows you to control fuel fillings. When creating the notification, you can specify the sensor masks that should be used to estimate fuel fillings and their volume. Also, using the Inside geofence and Outside geofence options, you can monitor fuel fillings in regards to specific geofences (must be created in advance). Select the resource whose geofences should be shown in the list (select All available to view the geofences of all available resources). Also, choose the geofences or groups of geofences (shown in the square brackets), for which this notification should work. For the search convenience, you can use the dynamic filters above the lists.

The notification is triggered after a fuel filling is detected. To receive the notification only once, it is necessary to activate the Ignore recalculated data option.

Notification is triggered for each fuel level sensor individually.

Fuel theft

Notification of this type allows you to monitor fuel thefts. When creating a notification, you can specify the sensor masks that should be used to estimate fuel thefts and their volume. Also, using the Inside geofence and Outside geofence options, you can monitor fuel thefts for certain geofences (must be created in advance). Select the resource whose geofences should be shown in the list (select All available to view the geofences of all available resources). Also, choose the geofences or groups of geofences (shown in the square brackets), for which this notification should work. For the search convenience, you can use the dynamic filters above the lists.

The notification is triggered after a fuel theft is detected. To receive the notification only once, it is necessary to activate the Ignore recalculated data option.

Notification is triggered for each fuel level sensor individually.

Route progress

For this type of notification, select the statuses to control: ride start, ride finish, arrival to check point, check point skip, departure from check point, etc. Additionally, you can specify a name mask for a route, schedule and/or ride.


Choose whether you want to control the assignment of the driver or its removal. To control both, create two notifications. To specify a particular driver, enter the code (or code mask) in the Driver code field. You can add multiple masks separated by commas without spaces. If you leave an asterisk (*) in this field, all drivers will be monitored without exception.


Choose control type: trailer assignment or reset. Settings to adjust are the same as for the previous type.

Passenger activity

To receive notifications of passenger's activity, choose the control type (check in/check out) and enter the passenger's code or code mask. You can add several codes o code masks separated by commas without spaces. If you leave the asterisk sign (*) in the field, all the passengers will be controlled.

Passenger alarm

Indicate a timeout upon the expiry of which you'll receive an alarm message if any passenger of a chosen resource stays in a vehicle. Timeout is started to count upon passenger binding.


First, you choose trigger type: notify when service term approaches or notify when service term is expired. Then indicate the interval before or after the term for the notification to trigger. This interval can be in days, kilometers, engine hours, or together. You can control either all intervals existing in the Service intervals tab in unit properties or just several intervals. To specify target intervals, enter a name mask using wildcard symbols like an asterisk (*) and question sign (?). Then indicate how much mileage, or time, or how many engine hours should be left or expired to make the notification trigger.

Notification about maintenance triggers only once when a critical point is met (mileage, engine hours or time) about any maintenance interval. Then information about service work done should be delivered through the event registrar or through the unit properties dialog. Only after that, the notification starts working again.

Below are the notifications' triggering peculiarities.

If upon creation of notification a unit with an already exceeded maintenance interval is chosen, then the notification for such a unit will not trigger.

If no position messages have been sent to a unit, then the notification for such a unit will not trigger.

As each notification belongs to some resource, it takes its measurement units from this resource. If the American or imperial measurement system is set for the resource, then speed is shown in miles per hour (mph), radius in feet (ft), and mileage in miles (mi). Otherwise (in case of the metric system), it will be kilometers per hour, meters and kilometers, correspondingly.

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