Service Intervals

To work with the Service intervals tab, you should have the following access rights:

  • View service intervals;
  • Create, edit, and delete service intervals.

On this tab, you can create, edit, and delete service intervals of the vehicle. Before getting started, see the basic concepts.

ServiceThe type of work related to vehicle maintenance.
IntervalThe frequency of carrying out services.

The list of intervals shows the name of each service, its description (if any), and execution state. In the State column, you can see how many kilometres, engine hours, or days are left before the start of the service. If the service is overdue, the information about its state is highlighted in red.

Creating intervals

Before starting to create service intervals, check the counter settings on the General tab and enable the Auto option.

To create an interval, click New. Specify the service name and, if necessary, add a description.

Three options of intervals are available:

Interval by mileageEnable this option and specify the number of kilometres after which the service should be carried out again. In the Last service field, specify the mileage value at which the service was carried out last time.
Interval by engine hoursEnable this option and specify the number of engine hours after which the service should be carried out again. In the Last service field, specify the value of engine hours at which the service was carried out last time.
Interval by daysEnable this option and specify the number of days after which the service should be carried out again. In the Last service field, specify the date on which the service was carried out last time.

If you specify all the intervals at the same time, the term of each interval is calculated separately. For example, the completion term of a service may be overdue by mileage or engine hours but not by days.

In the Number of executions field, you can specify how many times the service has already been carried out.

To save the interval, click OK.

Actions with intervals

To perform actions with service intervals, use the icons at the end of each line.


Open the interval properties.

Create a new interval with the same properties. A click on the icon opens the window for creating a new interval where you can make changes and save them.

Delete the interval.

To find a specific interval among the created ones, use the dynamic search above the list. It allows searching for intervals by name and description.

Using intervals

In addition to working with intervals on the Service intervals tab, you can perform the following actions:

The “Monitoring” tab

All the created service intervals and their execution state can be shown in the unit tooltip and in the extended unit information on the Monitoring tab.

To see them, enable the Maintenance state option in the user settings.


You can register events related to vehicle maintenance in the unit history. When registering an event of the Maintenance work type, you can select the intervals created on the Service intervals tab of the unit properties. In this case, the values of mileage, engine hours, and days (including the ones in the Last service field) are recalculated automatically, and the number in the Number of executions field is also changed.


To control the completion terms of services, you can create a notification of the Maintenance type. Depending on the selected action (for example, an email notification, notification to Telegram, or a pop-up notification in Wialon), you can receive notifications about starting or skipping the service.


In reports on units and unit groups, three types of tables related to service intervals are available.

MaintenanceThis table allows you to get a list of all the maintenance events registered in the unit history.
Upcoming maintenanceThis table allows you to get a list of all the planned services and see their execution state.
Utilization costThis table allows you to get information about the usage cost of the vehicle, which consists of maintenance and fuel filling costs.

In addition, you can add the Statistics table to a report and select the following columns:

  • Total maintenance duration;
  • Total maintenance cost;
  • Services count;
  • Total utilization cost;
  • Services and fillings cost.
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See also